Release Documentation

XML Compare Legal Notices for Java Distribution

1. Licence Information

1.1. DeltaXML Licensing

The DeltaXML software is licenced under the terms described in the file Licence.html. The licence terms in this file differ depending upon whether this is an evaluation release of the software or a purchased release.

1.2. Saxon Licensing

Included in the distribution is saxon9pe.jar, which is a binary component of the professional edition of Saxon ('The SAXON XSLT and XQuery Processor from Saxonica Limited.'). This version of Saxon may only be used when invoked from a DeltaXML product.

The home page for Saxonica is For further details of Saxon's licensing please see and the docs/notices/saxon/ subdirectory included in the distribution.

1.3. Apache Licensing

This product includes software developed by the Apache Software Foundation (, these include:

  1. the xercesImpl.jar component from the binary 2.12.2 release of the Xerces-J SAX parser.
  2. the xml-apis.jar component from the binary 2.11.0 release of the Xerces-J SAX parser.

  3. the DeltaXML variant of the resolver.jar component from the 1.2 release of the Apache Commons Resolver OASIS catalog reader.
  4. the gson-2.10.1.jar component from Gson released under the Apache 2.0 license.
  5. Included in the distribution is a 2.10.1 version of fastutil.jar, which has been sourced from the fastutil project and licensed under the Apache 2.0 license. The home page for the fastutil project is

The DeltaXML adaptation of Apache's resolver contains standard fixes for some of the known bugs and an enhancement that enables entities to be loaded via Java's resource loading mechanism. For further information please see our Customized Catalog Resolver page for details of the changes and the associated source code and/or contact us.

These components are: Copyright (c) 1999-2010 The Apache Software Foundation. All rights reserved. and are licensed under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0. These components must be used under the terms of the license at:

In accordance with section 4(d) of the Apache License, the notices for these libraries are enclosed in appropriately labelled subdirectories of the XML Compare distribution, as follows:

  1. Xerces-J SAX parser notices are in the docs/notices/xerces/ directory.
  2. Resolver catalog reader notices are in the docs/notices/resolver/ directory.

1.4. TrueLicense Licensing

The deltaxml.jar file contains one compiled class from the 'TrueLicense Library', which is a component of the TrueLicense Library Collection ( This code is: Copyright 2005 Schlichtherle IT Services, and licensed under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 (

In accordance with section 4(d) of the Apache License, the notices for these libraries are enclosed in the docs/notices/truelicense/ directory of the distribution.

1.5. ICU4J Licensing

Included in the distribution is icu4j.jar, which is a binary component of the ICU (International Components for Unicode) project.

The home page for the ICU project is ICU4J is copyright Unicode, Inc. Please see this file docs/notices/icu4j/LICENSE for full details.

1.6. PureMVC Licensing

Included in the release is the puremvc-java-1.0.jar file from the Java port of the PureMVC framework. It is Copyright 2006-2008 Futurescale Inc. and its reuse is governed by the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License ( The PureMVC product and documentation is available from For details of the PureMVC Java please see the docs/notices/puremvc/license.txt included in the release.

1.7. SWT Licensing

The Standard Widget Toolkit (SWT) has been used to construct the GUI components used in the release. One or more jar files may be included according to the specific platform release. These are licensed using the Eclipse Public License version 1.0 and a copy of the EPL is available at: ( The various SWT files also include third party content which may have different copyright and license terms. We have included the various about.html files with further details and the about_files directories with these notices as summarized below:

filename license details associated notices
swt-lib/cocoa-macosx-x86_64.jar docs/notices/swt-4.15/cocoa-macosx-x86_64/about.html docs/notices/swt-4.15/cocoa-macosx-x86_64/about_files/
swt-lib/gtk-linux-x86.jar docs/notices/swt-4.9/gtk-linux-x86/about.html docs/notices/swt-4.9/gtk-linux-x86/about_files/
swt-lib/gtk-linux-x86_64.jar docs/notices/swt-4.15/gtk-linux-x86_64/about.html docs/notices/swt-4.15/gtk-linux-x86_64/about_files/

1.8. REST Licensing

Our REST API uses various dependencies, of which there is a variety of licenses. These are documented below. Note: where dependencies are dual-licensed under CDDL and GPL, DeltaXML elects to include this software in this distribution under the CDDL license. These legal notices are included under docs/notices/rest.

dependency license
com.mashape.unirest:unirest-java java/blob/master/LICENSE
com.sun.activation:javax.activation activation/master/LICENSE.txt

1.9. JAXB Licensing

Our Java API uses JAXB, of which the components used are under a mix of CDDL and Eclipse Distribution License. Note: where dependencies are dual-licensed under CDDL and GPL, DeltaXML elects to include this software in this distribution under the CDDL license. The legal notices can be found in docs/notices/jaxb for each dependency used.