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addBreakIterator(RuleBasedBreakIterator, ULocale) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw.WordInfilter
Adds a user defined break iterator to those considered when selecting a new locale according to xml:lang settings.
addLicenseFile(File) - Method in interface com.deltaxml.cores9api.internals.CommonComparator
Sets the license file for use with Flexera licensing.
addLicenseServer(String) - Method in interface com.deltaxml.cores9api.internals.CommonComparator
Sets a license server for use with concurrent licensing.
addLicenseServer(String, int) - Method in interface com.deltaxml.cores9api.internals.CommonComparator
Sets a license server and port for use with concurrent licensing.
addProgressListener(DocumentProgressListener) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.DocumentComparator
addProgressListener(PipelineProgressListener) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.PipelinedComparatorS9
addStep(FilterStep) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.FilterChain
Adds a FilterStep to the end of the FilterChain.
addSubtree(Subtree) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.SubtreeProcessingMode
Adds to the list of Subtrees.
AdvancedEntityRefUsage - Enum in com.deltaxml.cores9api.config
An advanced mode for controlling some specialist use cases, where both the entity references and their replacement text are compared.
AncestorXMLFilter - Class in com.deltaxml.pipe
Stores a stack of the elements that are ancestor to the current context in the SAXStream.
AncestorXMLFilter() - Constructor for class com.deltaxml.pipe.AncestorXMLFilter
Constructs a new AncestorXMLFilter.
append(StringBuilder, int, int) - Method in class com.deltaxml.core.DXPParameterDefinition.FormatInfo
Append the parameter information in tabular form to a StringBuilder.
appendFilterChain(FilterChain) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.FilterChain
Adds FilterSteps to the end of this FilterChain.
attributeDecl(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.LexicalPreservationBase
Implementation of the attributeDecl SAX event handler.
attributeDecl(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLFilterImpl2
An extensible implementation of the Declaration Handler attributeDecl event, which reports DTD related (external DTD or internal subset) attribute declarations.
attributeDecl(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLFilterImpl3
Process the SAX attributeDecl event.
attributeDecl(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLPushFilterAdapter
An implementation of the DeclHandler attributeDecl method.
attributeDecl(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLPushFilterImpl
An implementation of the DeclHandler attributeDecl method.


beginInnerCompare(String, int) - Method in interface com.deltaxml.cores9api.MovesAwareDocumentProgressListener
bufferedCharacters(char[], int, int) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw.WordInfilter
Overrides the default bufferedCharacters method with break iterator specific splitting.
bufferedCharacters(char[], int, int) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.PCDataConcatenatingInfilter
This method is identical to the characters method, but it is triggered only once per PCDATA section.


call(XdmValue[]) - Method in class com.deltaxml.ext.xslt.saxon.CBCFunction
CalsColumnKeyingMode - Enum in com.deltaxml.cores9api.config
Specifies the column keying mode used to match CALS columns when table processing is enabled.
CalsTableConfiguration - Class in com.deltaxml.cores9api.config
Specifies configuration options for CALS table comparison.
CalsTableConfiguration() - Constructor for class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.CalsTableConfiguration
Constructs a new CalsTableConfiguration instance.
cancel() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.DocumentComparator
Cancel a running comparison from a different thread.
CancellationPolicy - Enum in com.deltaxml.cores9api.config
Determines whether and how the Comparator can be cancelled if it is taking too long.
CannotCompareDeltaException - Exception in com.deltaxml.api
It is not permitted to use a delta file to the input to a comparison since a meaningful delta result cannot be produced.
CannotCompareDeltaException(String, String) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.api.CannotCompareDeltaException
Construct a new CannotCompareDeltaException appropriate for use within the XML Compare code.
CBCFunction - Class in com.deltaxml.ext.xslt.saxon
CBCFunction() - Constructor for class com.deltaxml.ext.xslt.saxon.CBCFunction
characters(char[], int, int) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.CleanHouse
Overrides the default characters method.
characters(char[], int, int) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw.v62.WordInfilter62
Overrides the default characters method.
characters(char[], int, int) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw.WordBufferingFilter
Overrides the default characters method.
characters(char[], int, int) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.LexicalPreservationBase
Implementation of the characters SAX event handler.
characters(char[], int, int) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.NormalizeSpace
Overrides the default characters method.
characters(char[], int, int) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.PCDataConcatenatingInfilter
Overrides the default characters method.
characters(char[], int, int) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLFilterImpl3
Process the SAX characters event.
characters(char[], int, int) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLPushFilterAdapter
An implementation of the ContentHandler characters method.
characters(char[], int, int) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLPushFilterImpl
An extensible implementation of the ContentHandler characters method.
CleanHouse - Class in com.deltaxml.pipe.filters
Removes all elements or attributes in specified deltaxml namespaces.
CleanHouse() - Constructor for class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.CleanHouse
Creates a new instance of CleanHouse.
clear() - Method in interface com.deltaxml.cores9api.SummarisingErrorListener
clearProgressListeners() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.DocumentComparator
ColumnKeyingMode - Enum in com.deltaxml.cores9api.config
This class has been deprecated and replaced by CalsColumnKeyingMode and HtmlColumnKeyingMode. These new classes should be used instead.
com.deltaxml.api - package com.deltaxml.api
A low-level JAXP interface for advanced users supporting comparison and recombination.
com.deltaxml.core - package com.deltaxml.core
A JAXP compatible API to facilitate construction of XML comparison pipelines.
com.deltaxml.cores9api - package com.deltaxml.cores9api
A Saxon S9API compatible interface to facilitate construction of XML comparison pipelines.
com.deltaxml.cores9api.config - package com.deltaxml.cores9api.config
Contains classes and enums used to provide configuration options to PipelinedComparatorS9 and DocumentComparator.
com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.moves - package com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.moves
com.deltaxml.cores9api.internals - package com.deltaxml.cores9api.internals
This package contains some internal entries that need to be publicly visible, but are not officially part of the API.
com.deltaxml.ext.xslt.saxon - package com.deltaxml.ext.xslt.saxon
This package provides extensions for the Saxon XSLT processor allowing access to DeltaXML comparison and associated capabilities.
com.deltaxml.pipe - package com.deltaxml.pipe
This package provides extensions to the SAX parsing API.
com.deltaxml.pipe.filters - package com.deltaxml.pipe.filters
This package provides SAX event based filter implementations.
com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2 - package com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2
This package contains filters specific to the deltaV2 format.
com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw - package com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw
This package contains filters for use in Word By Word pipelines, as is discussed in the Word by Word Text Comparison guide, as well as the JavaDoc for each of the filters.
com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw.format - package com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw.format
com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw.v62 - package com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw.v62
This package contains the versions of the Word by Word pipeline filter which were replaced in XML Compare 6.3.
comment(char[], int, int) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.LexicalPreservationBase
Implementation of the comment SAX event handler.
comment(char[], int, int) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLFilterImpl2
An extensible implementation of the SAX LexicalHandler comment event, which reports any comments identified by the parser.
comment(char[], int, int) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLFilterImpl3
Process the SAX comment event.
comment(char[], int, int) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLPushFilterAdapter
An implementation of the LexicalHandler comment method.
comment(char[], int, int) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLPushFilterImpl
An extensible implementation of the LexicalHandler comment method.
CommonComparator - Interface in com.deltaxml.cores9api.internals
An internal interface that is used to expose common Core S9 API methods for use with .NET API.
COMPARATOR_FULL_FEATURE - Static variable in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.PipelinedComparatorS9
Comparator feature name for full delta output.
ComparatorInstantiationException - Exception in com.deltaxml.core
Thrown to indicate a problem instantiating or configuring a DeltaXML Comparator.
ComparatorInstantiationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.core.ComparatorInstantiationException
Creates a new ComparatorInstantiationException.
ComparatorInstantiationException(String) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.core.ComparatorInstantiationException
Creates a new ComparatorInstantiationException.
ComparatorInstantiationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.core.ComparatorInstantiationException
Creates a new ComparatorInstantiationException.
compare(File, File, File) - Method in interface com.deltaxml.cores9api.internals.CommonComparator
Compares File objects and uses a File to represent the result.
compare(Reader, String, Reader, String, Writer) - Method in interface com.deltaxml.cores9api.internals.CommonComparator
Compares the XML obtained from Reader objects and uses a Writer to represent the pipeline result.
compare(InputStream, String, InputStream, String, OutputStream) - Method in interface com.deltaxml.cores9api.internals.CommonComparator
Compares the XML obtained from InputStream objects and uses an OutputStream to represent the pipeline result.
compare(String, String, String, String, StringBuilder) - Method in interface com.deltaxml.cores9api.internals.CommonComparator
Compares the XML obtained from Strings and uses a StringBuilder to represent the pipeline result.
compare(URL, URL, File) - Method in interface com.deltaxml.cores9api.internals.CommonComparator
Compares the XML obtained from URLs and writes the pipeline result to a File.
compare(URL, URL, OutputStream) - Method in interface com.deltaxml.cores9api.internals.CommonComparator
Compares the XML obtained from URLs and writes the pipeline result to an OutputStream.
compare(InputSource, InputSource, StreamResult) - Method in interface com.deltaxml.cores9api.internals.CommonComparator
Compares the XML obtained from InputSource Objects and writes the pipeline result to a StreamResult.
compare(XdmNode, XdmNode) - Method in interface com.deltaxml.cores9api.internals.CommonComparator
Compares two Saxon XdmNode trees and generates an XdmNode tree result from the pipeline.
compare(XPathContext, NodeInfo, NodeInfo, URL) - Static method in class com.deltaxml.ext.xslt.saxon.Comparison
A com.deltaxml.cores9api XSLT extension function that allows XSLT nodes or subtrees to be compared using a configurable pipelined comparison.
compare(XPathContext, NodeInfo, NodeInfo) - Static method in class com.deltaxml.ext.xslt.saxon.Comparison
A com.deltaxml.cores9api XSLT extension function that allows a XSLT nodes or subtrees to be compared with a standard comparison.
comparePartial(InputSource, InputSource, StreamResult) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.DocumentComparator
Run partial comparison up to Part 2 of output chain - used for DITA Map Topicset comparisons.
compareTo(DXPParameterDefinition<?>) - Method in class com.deltaxml.core.DXPParameterDefinition
Total order of two parameter objects, where objects primary order is by name.
compareTo(DXPParameterDefinition<?>) - Method in class com.deltaxml.core.DXPParameterInstance
Total order of two parameter objects, where objects primary order is by name.
Comparison - Class in com.deltaxml.ext.xslt.saxon
A class consisting of XSLT extension functions for comparison operations.
ComparisonCancelledException - Exception in com.deltaxml.cores9api
The comparison was cancelled via some kind of CancellationPolicy.
ComparisonCancelledException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.cores9api.ComparisonCancelledException
ComparisonException - Exception in com.deltaxml.cores9api
Indicates a problem during the comparison stage of the pipeline.
ComparisonException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.cores9api.ComparisonException
Creates a new ComparisonException.
ComparisonHeartbeatListener - Interface in com.deltaxml.api
A listener which receives events from the XMLComparator indicating that progress has been made in the current comparison.
ConditionalFilterXPathException - Exception in com.deltaxml.cores9api
Indicates a problem evaluating the 'when' XPath expression on a conditional filter in a DXP file.
CONFIG_DEBUG_FILES - Static variable in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.DocumentComparator
This is a boolean configuration property that when true will send most or all intermediate results to files.
CONFIG_DEBUG_FILES - Static variable in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.PipelinedComparatorS9
This is a boolean configuration property that when true will send most or all intermediate results to files.
CONFIG_OPTIMIZE_XMLFILTERS_AROUND_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.PipelinedComparatorS9
This configuration property provides the default or initial value for this optimization setting.
CPUCountException - Exception in com.deltaxml.api
An exception indicating that the license used to activate the software does not support the number of CPUs being used.
CPUCountException(int, int) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.api.CPUCountException
Constructs a new CPUCountException appropriate for use in the XML Compare code.


DCPConfiguration - Class in com.deltaxml.cores9api
Loads a DocumentComparator from a DCP configuration.
DCPConfiguration(File, Processor, boolean) - Constructor for class com.deltaxml.cores9api.DCPConfiguration
Creates a DCPConfiguration object from a DCP file.
DCPConfiguration(File, boolean) - Constructor for class com.deltaxml.cores9api.DCPConfiguration
Creates a DCPConfiguration object from a DCP file.
DCPConfiguration(InputSource, Processor, boolean) - Constructor for class com.deltaxml.cores9api.DCPConfiguration
Creates a DCPConfiguration object from an InputSource.
DCPConfiguration(InputSource, boolean) - Constructor for class com.deltaxml.cores9api.DCPConfiguration
Creates a DCPConfiguration object from an InputSource.
DCPConfiguration(XdmNode, boolean) - Constructor for class com.deltaxml.cores9api.DCPConfiguration
Creates a DCPConfiguration object from a supplied XdmNode tree.
DCPConfiguration(File, Processor) - Constructor for class com.deltaxml.cores9api.DCPConfiguration
Creates a DCPConfiguration object from a DCP file.
DCPConfiguration(File) - Constructor for class com.deltaxml.cores9api.DCPConfiguration
Creates a DCPConfiguration object from a DCP file.
DCPConfiguration(InputSource, Processor) - Constructor for class com.deltaxml.cores9api.DCPConfiguration
Creates a DCPConfiguration object from an InputSource.
DCPConfiguration(InputSource) - Constructor for class com.deltaxml.cores9api.DCPConfiguration
Creates a DCPConfiguration object from an InputSource.
DCPConfiguration(XdmNode) - Constructor for class com.deltaxml.cores9api.DCPConfiguration
Creates a DCPConfiguration object from a supplied XdmNode tree.
DCPipelineProgressTextReporter - Class in com.deltaxml.cores9api
Reports pipeline progress to System.err using textual messages.
DCPipelineProgressTextReporter() - Constructor for class com.deltaxml.cores9api.DCPipelineProgressTextReporter
Constructs a progress reporter that reports times and filter names.
DCPipelineProgressTextReporter(boolean) - Constructor for class com.deltaxml.cores9api.DCPipelineProgressTextReporter
Constructs a configurable progress reporter.
DCPipelineProgressTextReporter(boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class com.deltaxml.cores9api.DCPipelineProgressTextReporter
Constructs a configurable progress reporter.
DEFAULT_ORPHANED_THRESHOLD_PERCENTAGE - Static variable in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw.OrphanedWordOutfilter
the default value for orphanedThresholdPercentaeg, set at 20.
DEFAULT_ORPHANED_WORD_LIMIT - Static variable in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw.OrphanedWordOutfilter
the default value for orphanedLengthlimit, set at 2.
DefaultAttProcessingMode - Enum in com.deltaxml.cores9api.config
Represents the behaviour required when outputting defaulted attributes.
Delta - Class in com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2
A type-safe enum representing the different delta values that are legal in a DeltaXML delta file.
DELTA_A - Static variable in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.Delta
A delta value representing a deleted xml node (i.e only appears in document 'A').
DELTA_B - Static variable in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.Delta
A delta value representing an added xml node (i.e only appears in document 'B').
DELTA_LOCALNAME - Static variable in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.Delta
The localname for the delta value.
DELTA_MODIFY - Static variable in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.Delta
A delta value representing a modified xml node (i.e is different in documents 'A' and 'B').
DELTA_UNCHANGED - Static variable in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.Delta
A delta value representing an unchanged xml node (i.e is the same in documents 'A' and 'B').
DeltaPunctuationElement - Class in com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw
A representation of a punctuation element used by WordBufferingFilter and its sub-types to represent and manipulate the buffer of word/space/punctuation elements.
DeltaPunctuationElement() - Constructor for class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw.DeltaPunctuationElement
Default constructor.
DeltaPunctuationElement(Delta) - Constructor for class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw.DeltaPunctuationElement
Creates a new Punctuation with the supplied delta.
DeltaSpaceElement - Class in com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw
A representation of a space element used by WordBufferingFilter and its sub-types to represent and manipulate the buffer of word/space/punctuation elements.
DeltaSpaceElement() - Constructor for class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw.DeltaSpaceElement
Default constructor.
DeltaSpaceElement(Delta) - Constructor for class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw.DeltaSpaceElement
Creates a new Space with the supplied delta.
DELTAV2_FEATURE - Static variable in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.PipelinedComparatorS9
Comparator feature name for controlling the delta version.
DeltaWordElement - Class in com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw
A representation of a word element used by WordBufferingFilter and its sub-types to represent and manipulate the buffer of word/space/punctuation elements.
DeltaWordElement() - Constructor for class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw.DeltaWordElement
Default constructor.
DeltaWordElement(Delta) - Constructor for class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw.DeltaWordElement
Creates a new Word with the supplied delta.
DELTAXML_NS - Static variable in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.Delta
The DeltaXML namespace.
DeltaXMLError - Error in com.deltaxml.api
This class specifies an error condition.
DeltaXMLError(String) - Constructor for error com.deltaxml.api.DeltaXMLError
Creates a new error with an identifying message.
DeltaXMLError(Throwable) - Constructor for error com.deltaxml.api.DeltaXMLError
Creates a new error which wraps an existing error or exception.
DeltaXMLError(String, Throwable) - Constructor for error com.deltaxml.api.DeltaXMLError
Creates a new error which wraps an existing error or exception and provides an additional message.
DeltaXMLException - Exception in com.deltaxml.api
This class specifies an exceptional condition.
DeltaXMLException(String) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.api.DeltaXMLException
Creates a new exception with an identifying message.
DeltaXMLException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.api.DeltaXMLException
Creates a new exception which wraps an existing exception.
DeltaXMLException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.api.DeltaXMLException
Creates a new exception which wraps an existing exception and provides an additional message.
DeltaXMLProcessingException - Exception in com.deltaxml.api
This class specifies an exceptional condition that occurred during the comparison and recombination processes.
DeltaXMLProcessingException(String) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.api.DeltaXMLProcessingException
Creates a new exception with an identifying message.
DeltaXMLProcessingException(String, int) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.api.DeltaXMLProcessingException
Creates a new exception with an identifying message and error code.
DeltaXMLProcessingException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.api.DeltaXMLProcessingException
Creates a new exception which wraps an existing exception.
DeltaXMLProcessingException(Throwable, int) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.api.DeltaXMLProcessingException
Creates a new exception which wraps an existing exception and provides an errorCode.
DeltaXMLProcessingException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.api.DeltaXMLProcessingException
Creates a new exception which wraps an existing exception and provides an additional message.
DeltaXMLProcessingException(String, Throwable, int) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.api.DeltaXMLProcessingException
Creates a new exception which wraps an existing exception and also provides an additional message and errorCode.
DeltaXMLProcessingException(String, Throwable, int, FailureSeverity) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.api.DeltaXMLProcessingException
Creates a new exception which wraps an existing exception and also provides an additional message, errorCode and severity.
DeltaXMLProcessingException(String, int, FailureSeverity) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.api.DeltaXMLProcessingException
Creates a new exception providing an additional message, errorCode and severity.
DifferentRootElementException - Exception in com.deltaxml.api
Files being compared must have equivalent root elements.
DifferentRootElementException(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.api.DifferentRootElementException
Construct a new DifferentRootElementException appropriate for use in the XML Compare code.
DifferingOrderedAttributesException - Exception in com.deltaxml.api
The deltaxml:ordered attribute is placed on elements to control whether its children are compared using the ordered comparison algorithm or the orderless algorithm.
DifferingOrderedAttributesException(Node, Node) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.api.DifferingOrderedAttributesException
Construct a new DifferingOrderedAttributesException appropriate for use in the XML Compare code.
DifferingOrderedAttributesException(String, String) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.api.DifferingOrderedAttributesException
Construct a new DifferingOrderedAttributesException appropriate for use in the XML Compare code.
DO_NEW_TABLE_PROCESSING - Static variable in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.DocumentComparator
This is a boolean configuration property, when set to true will use the new table processing algorithms when comparing CALS or HTML tables within files.
DocumentComparator - Class in com.deltaxml.cores9api
Provides a pre-configured comparison tool more suited for document comparison.
DocumentComparator() - Constructor for class com.deltaxml.cores9api.DocumentComparator
Creates a new DocumentComparator.
DocumentComparator(Processor) - Constructor for class com.deltaxml.cores9api.DocumentComparator
Creates a new DocumentComparator.
DocumentComparator.ExtensionPoint - Enum in com.deltaxml.cores9api
Represents the point at which user FilterSteps can be inserted.
DocumentProgressListener - Interface in com.deltaxml.cores9api
Monitor the progress of the document comparator.
DuplicateStepNameException - Exception in com.deltaxml.cores9api
Indicates that an attempt has been made to declare multiple PipelineSteps with the same name in a single Pipeline.
DXPConfigurationError - Error in com.deltaxml.core
Specifies an unresolvable error condition in a DXPConfiguration.
DXPConfigurationError(String) - Constructor for error com.deltaxml.core.DXPConfigurationError
Constructs a new DXPConfigurationError.
DXPConfigurationError(Throwable) - Constructor for error com.deltaxml.core.DXPConfigurationError
Constructs a new DXPConfigurationError.
DXPConfigurationError(String, Throwable) - Constructor for error com.deltaxml.core.DXPConfigurationError
Constructs a new DXPConfigurationError.
DXPConfigurationException - Exception in com.deltaxml.core
Indicates an error condition in the DXPConfiguration.
DXPConfigurationException(String) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.core.DXPConfigurationException
Creates a new DXPConfigurationException.
DXPConfigurationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.core.DXPConfigurationException
Creates a new DXPConfigurationException.
DXPConfigurationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.core.DXPConfigurationException
Creates a new DXPConfigurationException.
DXPConfigurationS9 - Class in com.deltaxml.cores9api
Loads a PipelinedComparatorS9 from a DXP configuration.
DXPConfigurationS9(File) - Constructor for class com.deltaxml.cores9api.DXPConfigurationS9
Creates a DXPConfigurationS9 object from a DXP file.
DXPConfigurationS9(InputSource, EntityResolver, boolean) - Constructor for class com.deltaxml.cores9api.DXPConfigurationS9
Creates a DXPConfigurationS9 object from a DXP InputSource.
DXPConfigurationS9(InputSource) - Constructor for class com.deltaxml.cores9api.DXPConfigurationS9
Creates a DXPConfigurationS9 object from an InputSource.
DXPConfigurationS9(XdmNode) - Constructor for class com.deltaxml.cores9api.DXPConfigurationS9
Creates a DXPConfigurationS9 object from a supplied XdmNode tree.
DXPParameterDefinition<T extends java.lang.Comparable<?>> - Class in com.deltaxml.core
A comparison parameter definition.
DXPParameterDefinition(String, T, String) - Constructor for class com.deltaxml.core.DXPParameterDefinition
Create a parameter with a given name, default value and description.
DXPParameterDefinition.FormatInfo - Class in com.deltaxml.core
A utility class for identifying the space required to display a list of parameter definitions.
DXPParameterInstance<T extends java.lang.Comparable<?>> - Class in com.deltaxml.core
An instance of a DXPParameterDefinition object.
DXPParameterInstance(DXPParameterDefinition<T>) - Constructor for class com.deltaxml.core.DXPParameterInstance
Create a parameter instance from a parameter definition.
DXPParameterInstance(DXPParameterDefinition<T>, T) - Constructor for class com.deltaxml.core.DXPParameterInstance
Create a parameter instance from a parameter definition and value.
DynamicPDFormatException - Exception in com.deltaxml.cores9api
Indicates an error encountered either when resolving XPath expressions in the Pipeline Description or when validating the resolved Pipeline Description.
DynamicPDFormatException(String) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.cores9api.DynamicPDFormatException
DynamicPDFormatException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.cores9api.DynamicPDFormatException
DynamicPDFormatException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.cores9api.DynamicPDFormatException


elementDecl(String, String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.LexicalPreservationBase
Implementation of the elementDecl SAX event handler.
elementDecl(String, String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.NormalizeSpace
Overrides the default elementDecl method.
elementDecl(String, String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLFilterImpl2
An extensible implementation of the Declaration Handler elementDecl event, which reports DTD related (external DTD or internal subset) element declarations.
elementDecl(String, String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLFilterImpl3
Process the SAX elementDecl event.
elementDecl(String, String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLPushFilterAdapter
An implementation of the DeclHandler elementDecl method.
elementDecl(String, String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLPushFilterImpl
An implementation of the DeclHandler elementDecl method.
ENABLED_PROP_DVAL - Static variable in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.LexicalPreservationConfig
The default value of the configuration property for enabling lexical preservation during comparator construction.
ENABLED_PROP_NAME - Static variable in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.LexicalPreservationConfig
The name of the configuration property for enabling lexical preservation during comparator construction.
enableNumericTolerance(boolean) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.SVGConfiguration
Sets whether to use a numeric tolerance.
endCDATA() - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.LexicalPreservationBase
Implementation of the endCDATA SAX event handler.
endCDATA() - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLFilterImpl2
An extensible implementation of the SAX LexicalHandler endCDATA event, which reports the end of a CDATA boundry idenitified by the parser.
endCDATA() - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLFilterImpl3
Process the SAX endCDATA event.
endCDATA() - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLPushFilterAdapter
An implementation of the LexicalHandler endCDATA method.
endCDATA() - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLPushFilterImpl
An extensible implementation of the LexicalHandler endCDATA method.
endDocument() - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.AncestorXMLFilter
Overrides the default endDocument method.
endDocument() - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw.v62.WordInfilter62
Overrides the default endDocument method.
endDocument() - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw.WordInfilter
Overrides the default endDocument method.
endDocument() - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.LexicalPreservationBase
Implementation of the SAX endDocument event handler.
endDocument() - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLFilterImpl3
Process the SAX endDocument event.
endDocument() - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLPushFilterAdapter
An implementation of the ContentHandler endDocument method.
endDocument() - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLPushFilterImpl
An extensible implementation of the ContentHandler endDocument method.
endDTD() - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.LexicalPreservationBase
Implementation of the endDTD SAX event handler.
endDTD() - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLFilterImpl2
An extensible implementation of the SAX LexicalHandler endDTD event, which reports the end of DOCTYPE processing by the parser.
endDTD() - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLFilterImpl3
Process the SAX endDTD event.
endDTD() - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLPushFilterAdapter
An implementation of the LexicalHandler endDTD method.
endDTD() - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLPushFilterImpl
An extensible implementation of the LexicalHandler endDTD method.
endElement(String, String, String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.AncestorXMLFilter
Overrides the default endElement method.
endElement(String, String, String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.CleanHouse
Overrides the default endElement method.
endElement(String, String, String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw.format.FormatAwareWordInfilter
endElement(String, String, String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw.v62.WordInfilter62
Overrides the default endElement method.
endElement(String, String, String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw.WordBufferingFilter
Overrides the default endElement method.
endElement(String, String, String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.LexicalPreservationBase
Implementation of the SAX startElement event handler.
endElement(String, String, String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.NormalizeSpace
Overrides the default endElement method.
endElement(String, String, String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.PCDataConcatenatingInfilter
Overrides the default endElement method.
endElement(String, String, String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLFilterImpl3
Process the SAX endElement event.
endElement(String, String, String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLPushFilterAdapter
An implementation of the ContentHandler endElement method.
endElement(String, String, String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLPushFilterImpl
An extensible implementation of the ContentHandler endElement method.
endEntity(String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.LexicalPreservationBase
Implementation of the endEntity SAX event handler.
endEntity(String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLFilterImpl2
An extensible implementation of the SAX LexicalHandler endEntity event, which reports the end of entity instance processing by the parser.
endEntity(String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLFilterImpl3
Process the SAX endEntity event.
endEntity(String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLPushFilterAdapter
An implementation of the LexicalHandler endEntity method.
endEntity(String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLPushFilterImpl
An extensible implementation of the LexicalHandler endEntity method.
endInnerCompare(String, int) - Method in interface com.deltaxml.cores9api.MovesAwareDocumentProgressListener
endPrefixMapping(String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.CleanHouse
Overrides the default endPrefixMapping method.
endPrefixMapping(String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLFilterImpl3
Process the SAX endPrefixMapping event.
endPrefixMapping(String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLPushFilterAdapter
An implementation of the ContentHandler endPrefixMapping method.
endPrefixMapping(String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLPushFilterImpl
An extensible implementation of the ContentHandler endPrefixMapping method.
ENHANCED_MATCH_1_FEATURE - Static variable in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.PipelinedComparatorS9
Comparator feature name for enhanced matching.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.deltaxml.core.DXPParameterDefinition
Overrides the default equals method.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.moves.MoveCandidate
ERROR - Static variable in class com.deltaxml.api.FailureSeverity
An ERROR Severity is one which may affect the viability of the Comparison result.
error(SAXParseException) - Method in class com.deltaxml.core.RethrowingParserErrorHandler
Receives notification of a recoverable error and throws a SAXParseException.
error(SAXParseException) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.SchemaErrorHandler
error(SAXParseException) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLFilterImpl3
Process the SAX error event.
externalEntityDecl(String, String, String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.LexicalPreservationBase
Implementation of the externalEntityDecl SAX event handler.
externalEntityDecl(String, String, String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLFilterImpl2
An extensible implementation of the Declaration Handler externalEntityDecl event, which reports DTD related (external DTD or internal subset) external entity declarations.
externalEntityDecl(String, String, String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLFilterImpl3
Process the SAX externalEntityDecl event.
externalEntityDecl(String, String, String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLPushFilterAdapter
An implementation of the DeclHandler externalEntityDecl method.
externalEntityDecl(String, String, String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLPushFilterImpl
An implementation of the DeclHandler externalEntityDecl method.


FailureSeverity - Class in com.deltaxml.api
Defines the severity of a DeltaXMLProcessingException.
FATAL_ERROR - Static variable in class com.deltaxml.api.FailureSeverity
A DeltaXMLProcessingException with FATAL_ERROR severity is one which will cause subsequent processing to terminate without producing any results.
fatalError(SAXParseException) - Method in class com.deltaxml.core.RethrowingParserErrorHandler
Receives notification of a fatal error and throws a SAXParseException..
fatalError(SAXParseException) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.SchemaErrorHandler
fatalError(SAXParseException) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLFilterImpl3
Process the SAX fatalEror event.
FeatureNotRecognizedException - Exception in com.deltaxml.core
Thrown to indicate that a feature name has not been recognized.
FeatureNotRecognizedException(String, Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.core.FeatureNotRecognizedException
Creates a new FeatureNotRecognizedException.
FeatureNotRecognizedException(String, String) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.core.FeatureNotRecognizedException
Creates a new FeatureNotRecognizedException.
FeatureNotRecognizedException(Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.core.FeatureNotRecognizedException
Creates a new FeatureNotRecognizedException.
FeatureSettingNotSupportedException - Exception in com.deltaxml.core
Thrown to indicate that a feature has been set to a value which is not supported or is disallowed.
FeatureSettingNotSupportedException(String, Throwable, String, boolean) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.core.FeatureSettingNotSupportedException
Creates a new FeatureSettingNotSupportedException.
FeatureSettingNotSupportedException(String, String, boolean) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.core.FeatureSettingNotSupportedException
Creates a new FeatureSettingNotSupportedException.
FeatureSettingNotSupportedException(Throwable, String, boolean) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.core.FeatureSettingNotSupportedException
Creates a new FeatureSettingNotSupportedException.
FilterCancelledException - Exception in com.deltaxml.cores9api.internals
A marker exception to throw when doing a DocumentComparator#innerCompare which has been cancelled.
FilterCancelledException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.cores9api.internals.FilterCancelledException
FilterChain - Class in com.deltaxml.cores9api
Represents a chain of FilterSteps that can be applied to XML input in a specified order to produce a result.
FilterClassIncompatibilityException - Exception in com.deltaxml.core
Thrown to indicate that a filter class incompatibility has been detected.
FilterClassIncompatibilityException(String, Class<?>, Class<?>[]) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.core.FilterClassIncompatibilityException
Creates a new FilterClassIncompatibilityException.
FilterClassIncompatibilityException(String, Class<?>, Class<?>[], int) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.core.FilterClassIncompatibilityException
Creates a new FilterClassIncompatibilityException.
FilterClassIncompatibilityException(String, Class<?>, Class<?>[], int, PipelineIOIdentifier) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.core.FilterClassIncompatibilityException
Creates a new FilterClassIncompatibilityException.
FilterClassInstantiationException - Exception in com.deltaxml.core
Thrown to indicate that a filter class instantiation problem has been detected.
FilterClassInstantiationException(String, Throwable, Class<?>) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.core.FilterClassInstantiationException
Creates a new FilterClassInstantiationException.
FilterClassInstantiationException(String, Throwable, Class<?>, int) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.core.FilterClassInstantiationException
Creates a new FilterClassInstantiationException.
FilterClassInstantiationException(String, Throwable, Class<?>, int, PipelineIOIdentifier) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.core.FilterClassInstantiationException
Creates a new FilterClassInstantiationException.
FilterConfigurationException - Exception in com.deltaxml.core
Thrown to indicate a failure in creating or configuring an XSLT-based SAX event filter.
FilterConfigurationException(String, Throwable, String, int, PipelineIOIdentifier) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.core.FilterConfigurationException
Creates a new FilterConfigurationException.
FilterConfigurationException(String, Throwable, String, int) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.core.FilterConfigurationException
Creates a new FilterConfigurationException.
FilterConfigurationException(String, Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.core.FilterConfigurationException
Creates a new FilterConfigurationException.
FilterParameterizationException - Exception in com.deltaxml.core
Thrown to indicate that a filter parameterization problem has been detected.
FilterParameterizationException(String, Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.core.FilterParameterizationException
Creates a new FilterParameterizationException.
FilterParameterizationException(String, String) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.core.FilterParameterizationException
Creates a new FilterParameterizationException.
FilterParameterizationException(String, Throwable, String, int, PipelineIOIdentifier) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.core.FilterParameterizationException
Creates a new FilterParameterizationException.
FilterProcessingException - Exception in com.deltaxml.cores9api
Thrown to indicate a failure when running a pipeline filter.
FilterProcessingException(String, Throwable, PipelineIOIdentifier) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.cores9api.FilterProcessingException
Creates a new FilterConfigurationException.
FilterProcessingRangeException - Exception in com.deltaxml.cores9api
An exception used to indicate a problem in a filter, where the location of the filter cannot be precisely identified, typically because of filter streaming.
FilterProcessingRangeException(String, Throwable, PipelineIOIdentifier, int, int) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.cores9api.FilterProcessingRangeException
Creates a new range exception.
FilterProcessingSingleException - Exception in com.deltaxml.cores9api
An exception indicating a problem when applying a single filter to a pipeline input or output.
FilterProcessingSingleException(String, Throwable, PipelineIOIdentifier, int, String) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.cores9api.FilterProcessingSingleException
Create a new FilterProcessingSingleException.
FilterStep - Class in com.deltaxml.cores9api
Represents a single step in an XML processing pipeline.
FilterStep() - Constructor for class com.deltaxml.cores9api.FilterStep
FilterStepHelper - Class in com.deltaxml.cores9api
Provides a mechanism for creating FilterStep instances.
FilterStepHelper(Processor, EntityResolver, URIResolver) - Constructor for class com.deltaxml.cores9api.FilterStepHelper
Creates a FilterStepHelper using the specified Processor and URIResolver.
FormatAwareWordInfilter - Class in com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw.format
FormatAwareWordInfilter() - Constructor for class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw.format.FormatAwareWordInfilter
FormatInfo(Iterable<? extends DXPParameterDefinition<?>>) - Constructor for class com.deltaxml.core.DXPParameterDefinition.FormatInfo
Construct the fixed-width character format information associated with a list of parameter definitions.
FrameMakerTrackChangesTableChangeMode - Enum in com.deltaxml.cores9api.config
Enumeration representing the possible values for the framemaker-tcs-table-change-mode parameter.


generate(List<Subtree>) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.SubtreeProcessingFilterGenerator
Generate an XsltExecutable object ready to set as the "add-core-element-class" FilterStep.
generate() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.DCPConfiguration
Initializes the internal instance of DocumentComparator.
generate(Map<String, Boolean>, Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.DCPConfiguration
Initializes the internal instance of DocumentComparator using passed parameter values.
generate(Map<String, Boolean>, Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.DXPConfigurationS9
Generates a PipelinedComparatorS9 from this instance of a DXPConfigurationS9.
generate(Map<String, Boolean>, Map<String, String>, Processor) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.DXPConfigurationS9
Generates a PipelinedComparatorS9 from this instance of a DXPConfigurationS9.
generate() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.DXPConfigurationS9
Generates a PipelinedComparatorS9 from the DXP configuration loaded into this instance of a DXPConfigurationS9.
get(String) - Static method in enum com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.LexicalPreservationBase.PreserveItem
Get the preserve item associated with the given label.
getAdvancedEntityReferenceUsage() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.LexicalPreservationConfig
Return whether entity references or their replacement text appear in the output.
getAdvancedEntityRefUsage(String) - Static method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.AdvancedEntityRefUsage
Returns a ExtendedBooleanProcessingMode object from the supplied String value if appropriate.
getAggregatePosition() - Method in exception com.deltaxml.core.FilterClassIncompatibilityException
Reports the member of an aggregate which caused the problem.
getAggregatePosition() - Method in exception com.deltaxml.core.FilterClassInstantiationException
Reports the member of an aggregate which caused the problem.
getAggregatePosition() - Method in exception com.deltaxml.core.FilterConfigurationException
Reports the member of a filter aggregate which caused the problem.
getAggregatePosition() - Method in exception com.deltaxml.core.FilterParameterizationException
Identifies which filter within a filter chain is causing the problem.
getAggregatePosition() - Method in exception com.deltaxml.core.UnsupportedFilterListMemberException
Reports the member of an aggregate which caused the problem.
getAggregatePosition() - Method in exception com.deltaxml.cores9api.FilterProcessingSingleException
Reports the member of a filter aggregate which caused the problem.
getAllowableFilterClasses() - Method in exception com.deltaxml.core.FilterClassIncompatibilityException
Reports the classes which may be used as a filter in this context.
getArgumentTypes() - Method in class com.deltaxml.ext.xslt.saxon.CBCFunction
getAttributes() - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.Delta
Returns the delta value as a new SAX Attribute.
getAValue() - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw.WordByWordElement
Returns the element's value from document 'A'.
getBValue() - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw.WordByWordElement
Returns the element's value from document 'B'.
getCachedLocales() - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw.WordInfilter
Reports the locales used as keys in the break iterator cache.
getCacheResetForNewDocument() - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw.WordInfilter
Reports the current cache reset setting.
getCalsColumnKeyingMode() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.CalsTableConfiguration
Returns the CalsColumnKeyingMode currently in use when comparing CALS tables.
getCalsTableConfiguration() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.DocumentComparator
Returns the current configuration options for CALS table comparison.
getCause() - Method in error com.deltaxml.api.DeltaXMLError
Return the throwable that this error wraps.
getCause() - Method in exception com.deltaxml.api.DeltaXMLException
Return the throwable that this exception wraps.
getCDATAOutputType() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.LexicalPreservationConfig
Return the current PreservationOutputType for CDATA sections.
getCDATAProcessingMode() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.LexicalPreservationConfig
Return the current PreservationProcessingMode for CDATA blocks.
getChild1() - Method in exception com.deltaxml.api.UnorderedDuplicateKeysException
Reports the location (XPath) of the first shared-key child.
getChild2() - Method in exception com.deltaxml.api.UnorderedDuplicateKeysException
Reports the location (XPath) of the second shared-key child.
getClassXpath() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.moves.MoveCandidate
Gets the MoveCandidate class XPath.
getClosestAttributeValueFromAncestor(String, String, String, String, int) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.AncestorXMLFilter
Returns the value of the given attribute on the ancestor of the given type that is nearest the top of the ancestor stack which has a value for the given attribute.
getClosestAttributeValueFromAnyAncestor(String, String, int) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.AncestorXMLFilter
Returns the value of the given attribute on the ancestor nearest the top of the ancestor stack which has a value for the given attribute.
getColumnKeyingMode(String) - Static method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.CalsColumnKeyingMode
Returns a CalsColumnKeyingMode object based on the supplied String value.
getColumnKeyingMode() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.CalsTableConfiguration
Returns the ColumnKeyingMode currently in use when comparing CALS tables.
getColumnKeyingMode(String) - Static method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.ColumnKeyingMode
Returns a ColumnKeyingMode object based on the supplied String value.
getColumnKeyingMode(String) - Static method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.HtmlColumnKeyingMode
Returns a HtmlColumnKeyingMode object based on the supplied String value.
getCommentOutputType() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.LexicalPreservationConfig
Return the current PreservationOutputType for comments.
getCommentProcessingMode() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.LexicalPreservationConfig
Return the current PreservationProcessingMode for comments.
getComparatorFeature(String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.PipelinedComparatorS9
Allows the current settings of comparator features to be determined.
getComparatorProperty(String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.PipelinedComparatorS9
Allows the current settings of the comparator properties to be determined.
getCpuLimit() - Method in exception com.deltaxml.api.CPUCountException
Reports the number of CPUs the currently activated license allows.
getCurrentCpuCount() - Method in exception com.deltaxml.api.CPUCountException
Reports the number of CPUs on the current system.
getDebugDir() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.FilterChain
Returns the File representing the directory in which debug files will be output.
getDebugPrefix() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.PipelinedComparatorS9
This returns where the debug files will be found.
getDefaultAttProcessingMode(String) - Static method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.DefaultAttProcessingMode
Returns a DefaultAttProcessingMode object from the supplied String value if appropriate.
getDefaultBreakIterator() - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw.WordInfilter
Returns the current default Break Iterator.
getDefaultedAttributeInfoOutputType() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.LexicalPreservationConfig
Return the current PreservationOutputType for defaulted attributes.
getDefaultedAttributeInfoProcessingMode() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.LexicalPreservationConfig
Return the current DefaultAttProcessingMode for defaulted attributes.
getDefaultMode() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.SubtreeProcessingMode
Gets the Default Type value.
getDefaultNamespace() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.moves.MoveDetectionConfig
Get the default namespace in use.
getDefaultOutputType() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.LexicalPreservationConfig
Return the current default PreservationOutputType for preserved items.
getDefaultProcessingMode() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.LexicalPreservationConfig
Return the current default PreservationProcessingMode.
getDefaultValue() - Method in class com.deltaxml.core.DXPParameterDefinition
Get the parameter's default value.
getDefaultValueMaxWidth() - Method in class com.deltaxml.core.DXPParameterDefinition.FormatInfo
Get the width required to display the default value on a single line.
getDefaultValueMinWidth() - Method in class com.deltaxml.core.DXPParameterDefinition.FormatInfo
Get the minimum width required to display the default value whilst splitting lines on whitespace only.
getDelta() - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw.WordByWordElement
Returns the element's delta value.
getDeltaFromValue(String) - Static method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.Delta
Returns the Delta representation that corresponds to the supplied String value.
getDepth() - Method in interface com.deltaxml.cores9api.PipelineLocationEntry
The depth of the current entry; the number of parents plus one.
getDescription() - Method in class com.deltaxml.core.DXPParameterDefinition
Get the parameter's description.
getDescriptionMaxWidth() - Method in class com.deltaxml.core.DXPParameterDefinition.FormatInfo
Get the width required to display the description on a single line.
getDescriptionMinWidth() - Method in class com.deltaxml.core.DXPParameterDefinition.FormatInfo
Get the width required to display the description whilst splitting lines on whitespace only.
getDiagnostics() - Method in exception com.deltaxml.api.InvalidOriginalPositionException
Reports more detailed information about why the {}:original-position attribute is invalid.
getDoctypeOutputType() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.LexicalPreservationConfig
Return the current PreservationOutputType for document type (and internal subset).
getDoctypeProcessingMode() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.LexicalPreservationConfig
Return the current PreservationProcessingMode for doctype declarations.
getDocumentComparator() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.DCPConfiguration
Returns the configured DocumentComparator instance.
getDuplicateStepName() - Method in exception com.deltaxml.cores9api.DuplicateStepNameException
Returns the PipelineStep name that has caused the Exception to be thrown.
getElementSplittingDebugTextReportSize() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.ResultReadabilityOptions
Returns the current limit on the length of each debug report output by the element splitting filter.
getElementSplittingThreshold() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.ResultReadabilityOptions
Returns the percentage of unchanged text present in a modified element below which the element will be split.
getElemXpath() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.moves.MoveCandidate
Gets the MoveCandidate element XPath.
getElemXpath() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.Subtree
Gets the Subtree element XPath.
getEndPosition() - Method in exception com.deltaxml.cores9api.FilterProcessingRangeException
Provides the end position for the filter(s) causing the problem.
getEntityRefOutputType() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.LexicalPreservationConfig
Return the current PreservationOutputType for entity references.
getEntityRefProcessingMode() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.LexicalPreservationConfig
Return the current PreservationProcessingMode for entity references.
getEntityResolver() - Method in interface com.deltaxml.cores9api.internals.CommonComparator
Returns the current entity resolver setting.
getErrorCode() - Method in exception com.deltaxml.api.DeltaXMLProcessingException
Errors detected by the Comparator and Combiner operations were each given an identifying number in releases prior to 5.0 of the XML Compare API.
getErrorReport() - Method in interface com.deltaxml.cores9api.SummarisingErrorListener
getExceptions() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.SchemaErrorHandler
Get the exceptions caught.
getExpectedLicenseType() - Method in exception com.deltaxml.api.InvalidLicenseException
Reports the expected type or types of license corresponding to the location where licenses were loaded.
getFallbackChangePercentage() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.SVGConfiguration
Sets the fallback change percentage setting for SVG comparison results.
getFeatureName() - Method in exception com.deltaxml.core.FeatureNotRecognizedException
Provides the featureName that is not recognized.
getFeatureName() - Method in exception com.deltaxml.core.FeatureSettingNotSupportedException
Provides the feature name that could not be changed.
getFileExtension() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.DXPConfigurationS9
Returns the contents of the DXP outputFileExtension/@extension attribute.
getFilterClass() - Method in exception com.deltaxml.core.FilterClassInstantiationException
Provides information about the class which cannot be used as a filter.
getFilterClass() - Method in exception com.deltaxml.core.UnsupportedFilterListMemberException
Provides information about the Object which cannot be used as a filter.
getFilterSource() - Method in exception com.deltaxml.core.FilterConfigurationException
Provides information about the origins of the filter, for example the file or URL from which the XSLT was loaded.
getFilterSource() - Method in exception com.deltaxml.cores9api.FilterProcessingSingleException
Provides information about the origins of the filter, for example the file or URL from which the XSLT was loaded.
getFirstFatalError() - Method in interface com.deltaxml.cores9api.SummarisingErrorListener
getFormattedPipelineSummaryTable(Collection<DCPConfiguration>, int, int) - Static method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.DCPConfiguration
Returns a table summarizing the provided pipelines as a multi-line string.
getFormattedPipelineSummaryTable(Collection<DXPConfigurationS9>, int, int) - Static method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.DXPConfigurationS9
A table summarising the provided pipelines as a multi-line string.
getFramemakerTableChangeMode() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.OutputFormatConfiguration
Returns the FrameMaker table change mode.
getFrameMakerTrackChangesTableChangeMode(String) - Static method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.FrameMakerTrackChangesTableChangeMode
Returns a FrameMakerTrackChangesTableChangeMode object from the supplied String value if appropriate.
getGrandParentLocalName() - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.AncestorXMLFilter
Returns the localName of the grand parent element.
getGrouping() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.OutputFormatConfiguration
Returns a boolean value specifying whether grouping adjacent changes is enabled or not.
getHtmlColumnKeyingMode() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.HtmlTableConfiguration
Returns the HtmlColumnKeyingMode currently in use when comparing HTML tables.
getHtmlTableConfiguration() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.DocumentComparator
Returns the current configuration options for HTML table comparison.
getIgnorableWhitespaceOutputType() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.LexicalPreservationConfig
Return the current PreservationOutputType for ignorable whitespace.
getIgnorableWhitespaceProcessingMode() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.LexicalPreservationConfig
Return the current PreservationProcessingMode for ignorable whitespace.
getIgnoreXMLLangAttributes() - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw.WordInfilter
Reports whether xml:lang attributes are current ignored or considered when using BreakIterators.
getIncorrectParentElement() - Method in exception com.deltaxml.api.UnorderedDuplicateKeysException
Reports the XPath of the orderless element.
getInput1Elem() - Method in exception com.deltaxml.api.DifferingOrderedAttributesException
Report the node form input 1 which has a different deltaxml:ordered value to that of input 2.
getInput2Elem() - Method in exception com.deltaxml.api.DifferingOrderedAttributesException
Report the node form input 2 which has a different deltaxml:ordered value to that of input 1.
getInputASVGMarkupStyle() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.SVGConfiguration
Returns the Input A SVG markup style setting for SVG comparison results.
getInputBSVGMarkupStyle() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.SVGConfiguration
Returns the Input B SVG markup style setting for SVG comparison results.
getInvalidOriginalPositionValue() - Method in exception com.deltaxml.api.InvalidOriginalPositionException
Reports value of the {}:original-position attribute which is invalid.
getInvalidOriginalPositionXPath() - Method in exception com.deltaxml.api.InvalidOriginalPositionException
Reports the location of the {}:original-position attribute which is invalid.
getInvalidTableBehaviour() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.CalsTableConfiguration
Returns the current behaviour in use when inputs contain invalid CALS tables.
getInvalidTableBehaviour() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.HtmlTableConfiguration
Returns the current behaviour in use when inputs contain invalid HTML tables.
getInvalidTableBehaviour(String) - Static method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.InvalidTableBehaviour
Returns a InvalidTableBehaviour object base on the supplied String value.
getisCharacterByCharacter() - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw.v62.WordInfilter62
Returns the current value of isCharacterByCharacter.
getKeyValue() - Method in exception com.deltaxml.api.UnorderedDuplicateKeysException
Reports the shared key value.
getLexicalPreservationConfig() - Method in interface com.deltaxml.cores9api.internals.CommonComparator
Returns the current lexical preservation configuration settings.
getLocalName() - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw.DeltaPunctuationElement
Returns the localName for a punctuation element.
getLocalName() - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw.DeltaSpaceElement
Returns the localName for a space element.
getLocalName() - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw.DeltaWordElement
Returns the localName for a word element.
getLocalName() - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw.WordByWordElement
Returns the localName of the current element type.
getLocationId() - Method in exception com.deltaxml.core.FilterClassIncompatibilityException
Returns the identity of the filter chain in which the problem occurred.
getLocationId() - Method in exception com.deltaxml.core.FilterClassInstantiationException
Returns the identity of the filter chain in which the problem occurred.
getLocationId() - Method in exception com.deltaxml.core.FilterParameterizationException
Identifies which filter chain contains the filter causing the problem.
getLocationId() - Method in exception com.deltaxml.core.UnsupportedFilterListMemberException
Returns the identity of the filter chain in which the error occurs.
getLocationId() - Method in exception com.deltaxml.cores9api.FilterProcessingException
Provides information about which of the input or output filter chains an error occurred in.
getLocationId() - Method in exception com.deltaxml.cores9api.PipelineLoadingException
Provides information about which input caused the loading problem.
getMathMLConfig() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.DocumentComparator
Returns the current MathML configuration options.
getMathMLGranularity() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.MathMLConfig
Returns the granularity setting for MathML comparison results.
getMathMLGranularity(String) - Static method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.MathMLGranularity
Returns the MathMLGranularity instance representing the supplied String value.
getMaxWidth(int) - Method in class com.deltaxml.core.DXPParameterDefinition.FormatInfo
Get the maximum width required to display all three columns.
getMinWidth(int) - Method in class com.deltaxml.core.DXPParameterDefinition.FormatInfo
Get the minimum width required to display all three columns.
getMixedContentDetectionScope(String) - Static method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.MixedContentDetectionScope
Returns a MixedContentDetectionScope object from the supplied String value if appropriate.
getMixedContentDetectionScope() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.ResultReadabilityOptions
Return the current scope MixedContentDetectionScope for determining whether elements are of a mixed-content type.
getModifedWhitespaceBehaviour(String) - Static method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.ModifiedWhitespaceBehaviour
Returns a ModifiedWhitespaceBehaviour object from the supplied String value if appropriate.
getModifiedAttributeMode(String) - Static method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.ModifiedAttributeMode
Returns a ModifiedAttributeMode object from the supplied String value if appropriate.
getModifiedAttributeMode() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.OutputFormatConfiguration
Returns the ModifiedAttributeMode instance representing the currently configured behaviour.
getModifiedFormatOutput(String) - Static method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.ModifiedFormatOutput
Returns the ModifiedFormatOutput instance representing the supplied String value.
getModifiedFormatOutput() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.OutputFormatConfiguration
Returns the ModifiedFormatOutput instance representing the currently configured behaviour.
getModifiedWhitespaceBehaviour() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.ResultReadabilityOptions
Return the current ModifiedWhitespaceBehaviour for handling changes in whitespace.
getMoveAttributeXpath() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.ResultReadabilityOptions
Please use MoveDetectionConfig instead.
getMoveCandidates() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.moves.MoveDetectionConfig
Gets the list of MoveCandidates
getMoveDetectionConfig() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.DocumentComparator
Gets the current Move Detection configuration settings.
getMoveDetectionType() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.moves.MoveDetectionConfig
Gets the MoveDetectionType value
getMoveDetectionType(String) - Static method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.moves.MoveDetectionType
getName() - Method in class com.deltaxml.core.DXPParameterDefinition
Get the parameter's name.
getName() - Method in interface com.deltaxml.cores9api.PipelineLocationEntry
The name of the entry.
getName() - Method in class com.deltaxml.ext.xslt.saxon.CBCFunction
getNameMaxWidth() - Method in class com.deltaxml.core.DXPParameterDefinition.FormatInfo
Get the width required to display the name on a single line.
getNameMinWidth() - Method in class com.deltaxml.core.DXPParameterDefinition.FormatInfo
Get the minimum width required to display the name whilst splitting lines on whitespace only.
getNamespacedName1() - Method in exception com.deltaxml.api.DifferentRootElementException
Reports namespaced-name of the root element of the first comparison input.
getNamespacedName2() - Method in exception com.deltaxml.api.DifferentRootElementException
Reports namespaced-name of the root element of the second comparison input.
getNumberOfProgressStages() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.DocumentComparator
getNumberOfProgressStages() - Method in interface com.deltaxml.cores9api.internals.CommonComparator
Get the total number of enabled Progress Reporting Stages.
getNumberOfProgressStages() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.PipelinedComparatorS9
getNumericToleranceValue() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.SVGConfiguration
Sets the numeric tolerance value for SVG comparison results.
getOptimizeXMLFiltersAroundComparator() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.PipelinedComparatorS9
Reports the current value of the optimization setting.
getOrderlessPresentationMode(String) - Static method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.OrderlessPresentationMode
Returns a OrderlessPresentationMode object from the supplied String value if appropriate.
getOrderlessPresentationMode() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.OutputFormatConfiguration
Returns the OrderlessPresentationMode in use.
getOrphanedWordLengthLimit() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.ResultReadabilityOptions
Returns the current maximum number of words that could be considered orphaned.
getOrphanedWordMaxPercentage() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.ResultReadabilityOptions
Returns the maximum proportion of the total change size that orphaned words can take while still being considered orphans.
getOuterPiAndCommentOutputType() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.LexicalPreservationConfig
Return the PreservationOutputType to use for changes to processing instructions and comments outside the root element (and outside the internal subset).
getOuterPiAndCommentProcessingMode() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.LexicalPreservationConfig
Return the current PreservationProcessingMode for processing instructions and comments outside the root element.
getOutputFilterChainPart2() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.DocumentComparator
Return Part 2 of output chain - used for DITA Map Topicset comparisons.
getOutputFormatConfiguration() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.DocumentComparator
Returns the current configuration options for the format of the result document.
getOutputProperty(Serializer.Property) - Method in interface com.deltaxml.cores9api.internals.CommonComparator
Allows the current settings of the serializer properties to be determined.
getOutputType(String) - Static method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.PreservationOutputType
Returns a OutputType object from the supplied String value if appropriate.
getParameterName() - Method in exception com.deltaxml.core.FilterParameterizationException
Provides the name of the parameter that was causing the problem.
getParameterName() - Method in exception com.deltaxml.core.NonUniqueParameterNameException
Provides the name of the non-unique parameter.
getParameterNames() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.FilterStep
Returns a Set containing all of the parameter names for the FilterStep.
getParameterType(String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.FilterStep
Returns the Class type of the parameter with the name supplied.
getParameterTypeName(String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.FilterStep
Returns a String representation of the type of a parameter.
getParameterValue(String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.FilterStep
Returns the Object value of the requested parameter.
getParent() - Method in interface com.deltaxml.cores9api.PipelineLocationEntry
The entry's parent or containing entry.
getParentLocalName() - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.AncestorXMLFilter
Returns the localName of the parent element.
getParentQName() - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.AncestorXMLFilter
Returns the qName of the parent element.
getParserFeature(String) - Method in interface com.deltaxml.cores9api.internals.CommonComparator
Allows the current settings of parser features to be determined.
getParserProperty(String) - Method in interface com.deltaxml.cores9api.internals.CommonComparator
Allows the current settings of parser properties to be determined.
getPipelineId() - Method in exception com.deltaxml.core.FilterConfigurationException
Returns the identity of the filter chain in which the problem occurred.
getPipelineId() - Method in exception com.deltaxml.cores9api.PipelineException
Returns the PipelineIOIdentifier Object that identifies which Pipeline the Exception occurred in.
getPosition() - Method in interface com.deltaxml.cores9api.PipelineLocationEntry
The position of this entry within its parent.
getPreserveCDATA() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.LexicalPreservationConfig
Reports the current CDATA marker status.
getPreserveComments() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.LexicalPreservationConfig
Reports the current comment conversion/preservation status.
getPreserveContentModel() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.LexicalPreservationConfig
Reports the current setting of the content model preservation feature.
getPreserveDefaultAttributeInfo() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.LexicalPreservationConfig
Reports whether information on which attributes were provided by a DTD is being stored.
getPreservedEntityReferences() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.LexicalPreservationConfig
Reports the current setting of the entity reference preservation feature.
getPreserveDoctype() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.LexicalPreservationConfig
Reports the current setting for DTD internal subset preservation.
getPreserveDocumentLocation() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.LexicalPreservationConfig
Reports the current setting of the document location preservation feature.
getPreserveEntityReplacementText() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.LexicalPreservationConfig
Reports whether entity replacement text is preserved.
getPreserveIgnorableWhitespace() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.LexicalPreservationConfig
Reports the current whitespace preservation setting.
getPreserveNestedEntityReferences() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.LexicalPreservationConfig
Reports the current nested entity references setting.
getPreserveProcessingInstructions() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.LexicalPreservationConfig
Reports the current processing instructions conversion status.
getPreserveXMLDeclaration() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.LexicalPreservationConfig
Reports whether XML Declarations are currently converted into markup.
getPresetPreservationMode(String) - Static method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.PresetPreservationMode
Returns a ProcessingItem object from the supplied String value if appropriate.
getProcessFilter() - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLFilterImpl3
Get a copy of the current process filter set.
getProcessingInstruction(String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.DCPConfiguration
Returns the value of a processing instruction that is a child node of the root element of the DCP.
getProcessingInstructionOutputType() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.LexicalPreservationConfig
Return the current PreservationOutputType for processing instructions.
getProcessingInstructionProcessingMode() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.LexicalPreservationConfig
Return the current PreservationProcessingMode for processing instructions.
getProcessingMode(String) - Static method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.PreservationProcessingMode
Returns a ProcessingMode object from the supplied String value if appropriate.
getProductName() - Method in exception com.deltaxml.api.NoLicenseInstalledException
Reports the productName for which a license is required.
getProperty(String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.AncestorXMLFilter
Reports a current property setting.
getProperty(String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLFilterImpl2
Reports a current property setting.
getPropertyName() - Method in exception com.deltaxml.core.PropertyNotRecognizedException
Reports the name of the property which was not recognized.
getPropertyName() - Method in exception com.deltaxml.core.PropertySettingNotSupportedException
Reports the property name which was being set.
getProposedFilterClass() - Method in exception com.deltaxml.core.FilterClassIncompatibilityException
Provides information about the class which cannot be used as a filter.
getProposedValue() - Method in exception com.deltaxml.core.FeatureSettingNotSupportedException
Provides the proposed value for the feature change.
getProvidedLicenseType() - Method in exception com.deltaxml.api.InvalidLicenseException
Reports the type of license loaded.
getQName1() - Method in exception com.deltaxml.api.DifferentRootElementException
Report the QName of the root element of the first comparison input.
getQName2() - Method in exception com.deltaxml.api.DifferentRootElementException
Report the QName of the second comparison input root.
getReportDirectory() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.DocumentComparator
Returns the String currently set as the output directory for comparison report.
getRequiredClass() - Method in exception com.deltaxml.core.PropertySettingNotSupportedException
Reports the Class to which the supplied value must be assignment compatible.
getResolvedParameterValue(String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.DCPConfiguration
Returns the resolved value of the specified pipelineParameter in the DCP.
getResultFormat() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.OutputFormatConfiguration
Returns the currently configured ResultFormat.
getResultFormat(String) - Static method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.ResultFormat
Returns a ResultFormat object based on the supplied String value.
getResultReadabilityOptions() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.DocumentComparator
Returns the current configuration options for result readability.
getResultType() - Method in class com.deltaxml.ext.xslt.saxon.CBCFunction
getRootElement() - Method in exception com.deltaxml.api.CannotCompareDeltaException
Report the root element QName of an unexpected delta file.
getSeverity() - Method in exception com.deltaxml.api.DeltaXMLProcessingException
Reports the severity of the exception.
getShowMoveSource() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.moves.MoveDetectionConfig
Gets the value for showMoveSource
getSource() - Method in interface com.deltaxml.cores9api.PipelineLocationEntry
The optional source code location of the entry.
getStartPosition() - Method in exception com.deltaxml.cores9api.FilterProcessingRangeException
Provides the starting position for the filter(s) causing the problem.
getStep(String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.FilterChain
Returns the FilterStep Object with the given name.
getStep(int) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.FilterChain
Returns the FilterStep Object at the given position in the FilterChain.
getStepName() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.FilterStep
Returns the name of the FilterStep.
getStepSource() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.FilterStep
Returns a String representation of the underlying source of the FilterStep.
getSubtreeMode(String) - Static method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.SubtreeMode
getSubtreeProcessingMode() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.DocumentComparator
Gets the current Subtree Processing Mode setting.
getSubtrees() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.SubtreeProcessingMode
Gets the list of Subtrees.
getSuppliedClass() - Method in exception com.deltaxml.core.PropertySettingNotSupportedException
Reports the Class of the value supplied when trying to set the property.
getSVGComparisonGranularity() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.SVGConfiguration
Returns the granularity setting for SVG comparison results.
getSVGConfig() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.DocumentComparator
Returns the current SVG comparison options.
getSVGGranularity(String) - Static method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.SVGGranularity
Returns the SVGGranularity instance representing the supplied String value.
getSystemId() - Method in exception com.deltaxml.api.CannotCompareDeltaException
Report the systemId of an unexpected delta file.
getThrowable() - Method in error com.deltaxml.api.DeltaXMLError
Return the throwable that this error wraps.
getThrowable() - Method in exception com.deltaxml.api.DeltaXMLException
Return the throwable that this exception wraps.
getTraceListener() - Method in interface com.deltaxml.cores9api.SummarisingErrorListener
getTrackChangesAuthor() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.OutputFormatConfiguration
Returns the String currently set as the author for tracked change results.
getTrackChangesDate() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.OutputFormatConfiguration
Returns the Calendar instance currently configured to represent the date used when generating track changes.
getTransformerConfigurationOption(String) - Method in interface com.deltaxml.cores9api.internals.CommonComparator
Reports current attribute settings of the XSLT transformers in the pipeline.
getTransformerConfigurationOption(String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.PipelinedComparatorS9
Reports current attribute settings of the XSLT transformers in the pipeline.
getType() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.Subtree
Gets the Subtree element Type.
getUnchangedValue() - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw.WordByWordElement
Returns the element's unchanged value.
getUnderlyingFilter() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.FilterChain
getUnderlyingFilter() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.FilterStep
Returns the filter Object that this FilterStep wraps.
getUnderlyingFilter() - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLPushFilterAdapter
Returns the underlying filter that was used to create this instance.
getUnkownParameterContext() - Method in exception com.deltaxml.core.ParameterValueConflict
Provides the context in which the parameter was attempting to be used.
getUnkownParameterContext() - Method in exception com.deltaxml.core.UnknownParameterException
Provides the context in which the parameter was attempting to be used.
getUnkownParameterName() - Method in exception com.deltaxml.core.ParameterValueConflict
Provides the name of the unknown or undeclared parameter.
getUnkownParameterName() - Method in exception com.deltaxml.core.UnknownParameterException
Provides the name of the unknown or undeclared parameter.
getURIResolver() - Method in interface com.deltaxml.cores9api.internals.CommonComparator
Returns the current URI resolver setting.
getUserNamespaces() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.moves.MoveDetectionConfig
Get the user namespaces that are currently set.
getValidationLevel() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.CalsTableConfiguration
Returns the ValidationLevel current in use when validating CALS tables.
getValidationLevel() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.HtmlTableConfiguration
Returns the ValidationLevel current in use when validating HTML tables.
getValidationLevel(String) - Static method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.ValidationLevel
Returns a ValidationLevel object based on the supplied String value.
getValue() - Method in class com.deltaxml.core.DXPParameterInstance
Get the parameter's current value.
getWarningReportMode() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.CalsTableConfiguration
Returns the WarningReportMode in use when invalid CALS tables are encountered.
getWarningReportMode() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.HtmlTableConfiguration
Returns the WarningReportMode in use when invalid HTML tables are encountered.
getWarningReportMode(String) - Static method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.WarningReportMode
Returns a WarningReportMode object based on the supplied String value.
getXmetalTcsTableChangeMode() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.OutputFormatConfiguration
Returns the XMetal table change mode.
getXmetalTrackChangesTableChangeMode(String) - Static method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.XmetalTrackChangesTableChangeMode
Returns a XmetalTrackChangesTableChangeMode object from the supplied String value if appropriate.
getXMLDeclarationOutputType() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.LexicalPreservationConfig
Return the current PreservationOutputType for XML declaration.
getXMLDeclarationProcessingMode() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.LexicalPreservationConfig
Return the current PreservationProcessingMode for xml declaration changes.
getXPathExpression() - Method in exception com.deltaxml.cores9api.ConditionalFilterXPathException
Returns the XPath expression that caused the Exception.
getXPathExpression() - Method in exception com.deltaxml.cores9api.XPathFilterParameterException
Returns the XPath expression in question.
getXpathToReferencedSVG() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.SVGConfiguration
Returns the XPath to the referenced SVG.
getZIndexSVGMarkupStyle() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.SVGConfiguration
Returns the Input Z SVG markup style setting for SVG comparison results.


hasAncestor(String, String, int) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.AncestorXMLFilter
Looks for ancestors.
hasAncestor(String, String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.AncestorXMLFilter
Looks for matching ancestors along the entire depth of the ancestor stack.
hasAncestorWithAttr(String, String, String, String, int) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.AncestorXMLFilter
Returns whether there is an ancestor with the given attribute.
hasAncestorWithAttrValue(String, String, String, String, String, boolean, int) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.AncestorXMLFilter
Returns whether there is an ancestor of the given element type that has an attribute that matches the supplied value.
hasAncestorWithAttrValues(String, String, String, String, String[], boolean, int) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.AncestorXMLFilter
Returns whether there is an ancestor of the given element type that has an attribute that matches the supplied values.
hashCode() - Method in class com.deltaxml.core.DXPParameterDefinition
Overrides the default hashCode method.
hashCode() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.moves.MoveCandidate
heartbeatEvent() - Method in interface com.deltaxml.api.ComparisonHeartbeatListener
Event indicating that progress has been made in the comparison.
HtmlColumnKeyingMode - Enum in com.deltaxml.cores9api.config
Specifies the column keying mode used to match HTML columns when table processing is enabled.
HtmlTableConfiguration - Class in com.deltaxml.cores9api.config
Specifies configuration options for HTML table comparison.
HtmlTableConfiguration() - Constructor for class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.HtmlTableConfiguration
Constructs a new HtmlTableConfiguration instance.


ignorableWhitespace(char[], int, int) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw.v62.WordInfilter62
Overrides the default ignorableWhitespace method.
ignorableWhitespace(char[], int, int) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.LexicalPreservationBase
Implementation of the ignorableWhitespace SAX event handler.
ignorableWhitespace(char[], int, int) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.NormalizeSpace
Overrides the default ignorableWhitespace method.
ignorableWhitespace(char[], int, int) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.PCDataConcatenatingInfilter
Overrides the default ignorableWhitespace method.
ignorableWhitespace(char[], int, int) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLFilterImpl3
Process the SAX ignorableWhitespace event.
ignorableWhitespace(char[], int, int) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLPushFilterAdapter
An implementation of the ContentHandler ignorableWhitespace method.
ignorableWhitespace(char[], int, int) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLPushFilterImpl
An extensible implementation of the ContentHandler ignorableWhitespace method.
IllegalDeltaTypeException - Exception in com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw
Word by word processing should not be used with a changes-only delta.
IllegalDeltaTypeException() - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw.IllegalDeltaTypeException
Constructs a new IllegalDeltaTypeException with the default message.
includeChainNameInDebug(boolean) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.FilterChain
Whether or not to use the FilterChain name as a second-level of directory structure when outputting debug files.
includeChainNameInDebug(boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.FilterChain
Whether or not to use the FilterChain name as a second-level of directory structure when outputting debug files.
insertStepAfterName(FilterStep, String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.FilterChain
Inserts the supplied FilterStep into the FilterChain after the FilterStep with the supplied name.
insertStepAtPosition(FilterStep, int) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.FilterChain
Inserts the supplied FilterStep at the specified position in the FilterChain.
internalEntityDecl(String, String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.LexicalPreservationBase
Implementation of the internalEntityDecl SAX event handler.
internalEntityDecl(String, String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLFilterImpl2
An extensible implementation of the Declaration Handler intenalEntityDecl event, which reports DTD related (external DTD or internal subset) internal entity declarations.
internalEntityDecl(String, String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLFilterImpl3
Process the SAX internalEntityDecl event.
internalEntityDecl(String, String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLPushFilterAdapter
An implementation of the DeclHandler internalEntityDecl method.
internalEntityDecl(String, String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLPushFilterImpl
An implementation of the DeclHandler internalEntityDecl method.
InvalidClarkNameException - Exception in com.deltaxml.api
An exception of this type happens when the core comparator expects a Clark name, e.g.
InvalidClarkNameException(String) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.api.InvalidClarkNameException
Creates a new exception with an explanatory message.
InvalidDeltaXmlMarkupForTable - Exception in com.deltaxml.api
Thrown when something about 2 Tables being compared prevents the Comparator from making a valid attempt at comparison.
InvalidDeltaXmlMarkupForTable(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.api.InvalidDeltaXmlMarkupForTable
InvalidDeltaXmlMarkupForTable(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.api.InvalidDeltaXmlMarkupForTable
InvalidLicenseException - Exception in com.deltaxml.api
An exception indicating that the wrong type of license was found or supplied at runtime.
InvalidLicenseException(String, String) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.api.InvalidLicenseException
Constructs a new InvalidLicenseException appropriate for use in the XML Compare code.
InvalidOriginalPositionException - Exception in com.deltaxml.api
An Element has an {}:original-position attribute which has an invalid format.
InvalidOriginalPositionException(String, String, Optional<String>) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.api.InvalidOriginalPositionException
Construct a new InvalidOriginalPositionException appropriate for use in the XML Compare code.
InvalidPipelineException - Exception in com.deltaxml.core
Used to indicate that the DXP File loaded by a DXPConfiguration is not valid.
InvalidPipelineException(String) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.core.InvalidPipelineException
Creates a new InvalidPipelineException.
InvalidSoftKeyAttributeException - Exception in com.deltaxml.api
An exception of this type happens when Soft Key attributes are used in an incorrect or ambiguous way.
InvalidSoftKeyAttributeException(String) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.api.InvalidSoftKeyAttributeException
Creates a new exception with an explanatory message.
InvalidTableBehaviour - Enum in com.deltaxml.cores9api.config
Specifies the behaviour to use when inputs contain invalid tables.
isAttributeChangeMarked() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.OutputFormatConfiguration
Returns a boolean value specifying whether an deltaxml:attributeChanges attribute is set on an element whose attributes have changed.
isBufferModifiedOnly() - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw.WordBufferingFilter
Returns whether the filter is only buffering inside modified paragraph-level elements.
isBypassLexicalPreservationOutputChain() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.PipelinedComparatorS9
States whether the lexical preservation output chain is being bypassed or not.
isChainNameInDebug() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.FilterChain
States whether the FilterChain name will be used in the debug output directory structure.
isChangeGatheringEnabled() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.ResultReadabilityOptions
States whether or not the change reordering functionality is currently enabled.
isCharacterByCharacterEnabled() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.ResultReadabilityOptions
Sets whether to use Character by Character in comparison.
isCorePipeline() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.DXPConfigurationS9
States whether this represents a core (XML Compare) pipeline or not.
isDebug() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.FilterChain
States whether debug information will be output by this FilterChain.
isDetectMoves() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.ResultReadabilityOptions
Please use MoveDetectionConfig instead.
isElementSplittingDebug() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.ResultReadabilityOptions
States whether the element splitting filter is set to output internal debug information.
isElementSplittingEnabled() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.ResultReadabilityOptions
States whether modified elements containing text are split when the amount of unchanged text falls below a given percentage.
isEnabled() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.MathMLConfig
Determines whether MathML processing is enabled.
isEnabled() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.moves.MoveDetectionConfig
Query if move processing is enabled.
isEnabled() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.SVGConfiguration
Determines whether SVG comparison is enabled.
isEnabled() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.FilterStep
Returns the enabled state of this FilterStep.
isEqual(XdmNode, XdmNode) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.PipelinedComparatorS9
Compares two XdmNode inputs and returns whether they're equal.
isEqual(File, File) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.PipelinedComparatorS9
Compares two File inputs and returns whether they're equal.
isEqual(Reader, String, Reader, String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.PipelinedComparatorS9
Compares two Reader inputs and returns whether they're equal.
isEqual(InputSource, InputSource) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.PipelinedComparatorS9
Compares two InputSource inputs and returns whether they're equal.
isEqual(InputStream, String, InputStream, String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.PipelinedComparatorS9
Compares two InputStream inputs and returns whether they're equal.
isEqual(String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.PipelinedComparatorS9
Compares two String inputs and returns whether they're equal.
isEqual(URL, URL) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.PipelinedComparatorS9
Compares two URL inputs and returns whether they're equal.
isFallbackEnabled() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.SVGConfiguration
Determines whether to fallback to SVGGranularity.ADJACENT.
isGenerateComparisonReport() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.DocumentComparator
Returns the whether comparison report is generated or not.
isIgnoreColumnOrder() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.CalsTableConfiguration
Determines whether ignoring CALS table column order is enabled.
isIgnoreColumnOrder() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.HtmlTableConfiguration
Determines whether ignoring HTML table column order is enabled.
isLocked() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.FilterChain
States whether this FilterChain is locked or not.
isMarkTableCellSpanExtentChanges() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.CalsTableConfiguration
Returns true if markTableCellSpanExtentChanges feature is on, otherwise false.
isMarkTableCellSpanExtentChanges() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.HtmlTableConfiguration
Returns true if markTableCellSpanExtentChanges feature is on, otherwise false.
isNormalizeTable() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.HtmlTableConfiguration
Determines whether HTML table column specification is normalized.
isNumericToleranceEnabled() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.SVGConfiguration
Determines whether to use numeric tolerance.
isOptimiseWhitespaceOnlyChanges() - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw.WordOutfilter
Reports whether this filter is optimising whitespace-only changes or not.
isOrphanedWordDetectionEnabled() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.ResultReadabilityOptions
States whether or not orphaned word detection is enabled.
isPreservingItems() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.LexicalPreservationConfig
States whether this LexicalPreservationConfig object is preserving any items on the inputs.
isProcessPreserveSpaceText() - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw.v62.WordInfilter62
Returns the current value of processPreserveSpaceText.
isProcessTables() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.CalsTableConfiguration
Determines whether CALS table processing is enabled.
isProcessTables() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.HtmlTableConfiguration
Determines whether HTML table processing is enabled.
isRemoveMoveSource() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.ResultReadabilityOptions
Please use MoveDetectionConfig instead.
isZIndexEnabled() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.SVGConfiguration
Determines whether to recognise moves and show Z-index changes in SVG Comparisons.


length() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.FilterChain
Returns a count of the number of steps in the FilterChain.
LexicalPreservationBase - Class in com.deltaxml.pipe.filters
The round trip processing markup filter.
LexicalPreservationBase() - Constructor for class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.LexicalPreservationBase
Constructs a new LexicalPreservationBase.
LexicalPreservationBase.PreserveItem - Enum in com.deltaxml.pipe.filters
An enum used to specify which items should be preserved.
LexicalPreservationBase.Region - Enum in com.deltaxml.pipe.filters
An enumeration marks the region of the document that is being parsed.
LexicalPreservationConfig - Class in com.deltaxml.cores9api.config
Configures the way that Lexical Preservation is applied during the document loading, preservation processing and output/serialisation phases of a pipelined comparison.
LexicalPreservationConfig() - Constructor for class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.LexicalPreservationConfig
Creates a new Configuration for lexical preservation.
LexicalPreservationConfig(String) - Constructor for class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.LexicalPreservationConfig
Creates a new Configuration for lexical preservation using the specified mode.
LexicalPreservationConfig(PresetPreservationMode) - Constructor for class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.LexicalPreservationConfig
Creates a new Configuration for lexical preservation using the specified mode.
LexicalPreservationConfig(LexicalPreservationConfig) - Constructor for class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.LexicalPreservationConfig
Creates a new Configuration for lexical preservation using the specified mode.
LicenseConcurrencyLimitException - Exception in com.deltaxml.api
An exception indicating that the server-controlled concurrency limit has been exceeded.
LicenseConcurrencyLimitException(String) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.api.LicenseConcurrencyLimitException
Constructs a new LicenseConcurrencyLimitException appropriate for use by the XML Compare code.
LicenseContentException - Exception in com.deltaxml.api
An exception indicating that the there was a problem with the license used to activate the software.
LicenseContentException(String) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.api.LicenseContentException
Constructs a new LicenseExpiredException for use in the XML Compare code.
LicenseContentException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.api.LicenseContentException
Constructs a new LicenseExpiredException, passing in the inner cause exception, for use in the XML Compare code.
LicenseException - Exception in com.deltaxml.api
This class groups all of the licensing related exceptions together.
LicenseException(String, int, FailureSeverity) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.api.LicenseException
Create a new LicenseException.
LicenseException(String, Throwable, int, FailureSeverity) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.api.LicenseException
Create a new LicenseException with a nested cause.
LicenseException - Exception in com.deltaxml.cores9api
An exception class corresponding to the licensing related issues that can occur during the various compare(), isEqual() and setRedistributionLicenseContent() methods.
LicenseException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.cores9api.LicenseException
Creates a new LicenseException.
LicenseExpiredException - Exception in com.deltaxml.api
An exception indicating that the license used to activate the software has expired.
LicenseExpiredException() - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.api.LicenseExpiredException
Constructs a new LicenseExpiredException appropriate for use in the XML Compare code.
LicenseNotYetValidException - Exception in com.deltaxml.api
An exception indicating that this license has not yet started
LicenseNotYetValidException() - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.api.LicenseNotYetValidException
Constructs a new LicenseNotYetValidException appropriate for use in the XML Compare code.
LicenseSecurityException - Exception in com.deltaxml.api
An exception indicating a problem with the activation/licensing or other security related aspects of the DeltaXML software when the JVM is using a Security Manager.
LicenseSecurityException(Exception) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.api.LicenseSecurityException
Constructs a new LicenseSecurityException appropriate for the expected use in the XML Compare code.
lockChain() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.FilterChain
Locks this FilterChain so that FilterSteps cannot be added, removed or replaced.


MathMLConfig - Class in com.deltaxml.cores9api.config
Specifies configuration options for MathML processing.
MathMLConfig() - Constructor for class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.MathMLConfig
MathMLGranularity - Enum in com.deltaxml.cores9api.config
Specifies the granularity at which the differences between the two MathML expressions will be represented from the DocumentComparator.
MixedContentDetectionScope - Enum in com.deltaxml.cores9api.config
Enumeration representing the possible values for handling changes in whitespace.
ModifiedAttributeMode - Enum in com.deltaxml.cores9api.config
Defined the modified attribute processing mode.
ModifiedFormatOutput - Enum in com.deltaxml.cores9api.config
Specifies how modified 'formatting' elements should be output.
ModifiedWhitespaceBehaviour - Enum in com.deltaxml.cores9api.config
Enumeration representing the possible values for handling changes in whitespace.
MoveCandidate - Class in com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.moves
Move Candidate class This class is used to represent move candidate element XPath and class XPath pairs.
MoveCandidate(String, String) - Constructor for class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.moves.MoveCandidate
Initialise a move candidate with both move element and class XPaths.
MoveCandidate(String) - Constructor for class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.moves.MoveCandidate
Initialise a move candidate with only a move element XPath.
MoveDetectionConfig - Class in com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.moves
This class configures move detection.
MoveDetectionConfig() - Constructor for class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.moves.MoveDetectionConfig
Initialise a MoveDetectionConfig without params.
MoveDetectionConfig(List<MoveCandidate>) - Constructor for class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.moves.MoveDetectionConfig
Initialises an unrestricted MoveDetectionConfig with a list of move candidates.
MoveDetectionConfig(MoveDetectionType, List<MoveCandidate>) - Constructor for class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.moves.MoveDetectionConfig
Initialises a MoveDetectionConfig for given parameters.
MoveDetectionType - Enum in com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.moves
This enumeration contains options for the type of move detection.
MovesAwareDocumentProgressListener - Interface in com.deltaxml.cores9api
Moves Aware Document Progress Listener.


newFilterChain() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.FilterStepHelper
Creates a new, empty FilterChain in which to add FilterSteps.
newFilterChain(String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.FilterStepHelper
Creates a new, empty, named FilterChain in which to add FilterSteps.
newFilterChain(List<FilterStep>) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.FilterStepHelper
Create a new FilterChain which is initially made up of the supplied FilterSteps.
newFilterStep(Class<? extends XMLFilterImpl>, String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.FilterStepHelper
Creates a new FilterStep Object from a Class that extends XMLFilterImpl.
newFilterStep(File, String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.FilterStepHelper
Creates a new FilterStep Object from a File containing an XSLT stylesheet.
newFilterStep(URL, String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.FilterStepHelper
Creates a new FilterStep Object from a URL referencing an XSLT stylesheet.
newFilterStep(XsltExecutable, String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.FilterStepHelper
Creates a new FilterStep Object from an XsltExecutable.
newFilterStep(XsltExecutable, String, SummarisingErrorListener) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.FilterStepHelper
Creates a new FilterStep Object from an XsltExecutable.
newFilterStep(XMLFilterImpl, String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.FilterStepHelper
Creates a FilterStep from an instance of an XMLFilterImpl.
newFilterStepFromResource(String, String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.FilterStepHelper
Creates a FilterStep from a resource on the classpath.
newFilterStepHelper() - Method in interface com.deltaxml.cores9api.internals.CommonComparator
Creates a FilterStepHelper using the Processor and URIResolver currently in use by this Core S9 API Comparator.
newFilterStepHelper() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.PipelinedComparatorS9
Creates a FilterStepHelper using the Processor and URIResolver currently in use by this Core S9 API Comparator.
newLexicalPreservationOutputFilterChain(LexicalPreservationConfig) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.PipelinedComparatorS9
Generates a FilterChain to process lexical preservation items.
newLockedFilterChain(List<FilterStep>, String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.FilterStepHelper
Create a new FilterChain which is made up of the supplied FilterSteps and cannot be subsequently modified.
newSingleStepFilterChain(File, String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.FilterStepHelper
Creates a new FilterChain containing a single FilterStep from a File containing an XSLT stylesheet..
newSingleStepFilterChain(Class<? extends XMLFilterImpl>, String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.FilterStepHelper
Creates a new FilterChain containing a single FilterStep from a Class that extends XMLFilterImpl.
newSingleStepFilterChain(URL, String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.FilterStepHelper
Creates a new FilterChain containing a single FilterStep from a URL referencing an XSLT stylesheet.
newSingleStepFilterChain(XMLFilterImpl, String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.FilterStepHelper
Creates a new FilterChain containing a single FilterStep from an instance of an XMLFilterImpl.
newSingleStepFilterChain(XsltExecutable, String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.FilterStepHelper
Creates a new FilterChain containing a single FilterStep from an XsltExecutable.
NoLicenseInstalledException - Exception in com.deltaxml.api
An exception indicating that the software has not been sucessfully activated with an appropriate license.
NoLicenseInstalledException(String) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.api.NoLicenseInstalledException
Constructs a new NoLicenseInstalledException appropriate for use by the XML Compare code.
NonUniqueParameterNameException - Exception in com.deltaxml.core
Thrown when the DXP pipelineParameter names are not unique.
NonUniqueParameterNameException(String, String) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.core.NonUniqueParameterNameException
Creates a new NonUniqueParameterNameException.
NonUniqueParameterNameException(String) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.core.NonUniqueParameterNameException
Creates a new NonUniqueParameterNameException.
NormalizeSpace - Class in com.deltaxml.pipe.filters
Removes whitespace in PCDATA and attributes in an XML file.
NormalizeSpace() - Constructor for class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.NormalizeSpace
Creates a new instance of NormalizeSpace.
notationDecl(String, String, String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.LexicalPreservationBase
Implementation of the notationDecl SAX event handler.
notationDecl(String, String, String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLFilterImpl3
Process the SAX notationDecl event.
notationDecl(String, String, String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLPushFilterAdapter
An implementation of the DTDHandler notationDecl method.
notationDecl(String, String, String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLPushFilterImpl
Filter a notationDecl event.


ORDERLESS_PRESENTATION - Static variable in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.PipelinedComparatorS9
A property setting controlling how orderless children are reported.
OrderlessPresentationMode - Enum in com.deltaxml.cores9api.config
Specifies how the child elements of 'orderless' elements should be output.
OrphanedWordOutfilter - Class in com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw
This is an optional fixup outfilter which is part of the Word by Word pipeline.
OrphanedWordOutfilter() - Constructor for class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw.OrphanedWordOutfilter
Creates a new instance of OrphanedWordOutfilter.
outputCharacters(char[], int, int) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.AncestorXMLFilter
Identical to the characters method.
outputEndElement(String, String, String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.AncestorXMLFilter
Similar to endElement.
OutputFormatConfiguration - Class in com.deltaxml.cores9api.config
Specifies configuration options related to the format of the comparison result from a DocumentComparator.
OutputFormatConfiguration() - Constructor for class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.OutputFormatConfiguration
Constructs a new OutputFormatConfiguration instance.
outputStartElement(String, String, String, Attributes) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.AncestorXMLFilter
Similar to startElement.
outputStartElement(String, String, String, Attributes) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw.format.FormatAwareWordInfilter


ParameterValueConflict - Exception in com.deltaxml.core
Thrown when an a parameter or feature has incorrect DXP syntax.
ParameterValueConflict(String, Throwable, String, String) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.core.ParameterValueConflict
Creates a new ParameterValueConflict.
ParameterValueConflict(String, String, String) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.core.ParameterValueConflict
Creates a new ParameterValueConflict.
parse(InputSource) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLFilterImpl2
An implementation of the XMLReader.parse(InputSource) method.
parse(String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLFilterImpl2
An implementation of the XMLReader.parse(String) method.
ParserInstantiationException - Exception in com.deltaxml.core
Thrown to indicate a problem instantiating or configuring a SAX Parser.
ParserInstantiationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.core.ParserInstantiationException
Creates a new ParserInstantiationException.
PCDataConcatenatingInfilter - Class in com.deltaxml.pipe.filters
This class concatenates a series of XMLFilterImpl.characters(char[], int, int) into a single event, which can be handled with PCDataConcatenatingInfilter.bufferedCharacters(char[], int, int).
PCDataConcatenatingInfilter() - Constructor for class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.PCDataConcatenatingInfilter
Construct a new PCDataConcatenatingInfilter.
PDAdvancedConfigException - Exception in com.deltaxml.cores9api
Indicates an error encountered when processing properties or features in the 'advancedConfig' element of the Pipeline Description.
PDAdvancedConfigException(String) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.cores9api.PDAdvancedConfigException
PDAdvancedConfigException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.cores9api.PDAdvancedConfigException
PDAdvancedConfigException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.cores9api.PDAdvancedConfigException
PDConfigurationException - Exception in com.deltaxml.cores9api
Indicates an error condition in the Pipeline Description format.
PDConfigurationException(String) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.cores9api.PDConfigurationException
PDConfigurationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.cores9api.PDConfigurationException
PDConfigurationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.cores9api.PDConfigurationException
PDFilterConfigurationException - Exception in com.deltaxml.cores9api
Indicates an error encountered when loading a filter defined in a Pipeline Description format, after parameters are resolved.
PDFilterConfigurationException(String) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.cores9api.PDFilterConfigurationException
PDFilterConfigurationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.cores9api.PDFilterConfigurationException
PDFilterConfigurationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.cores9api.PDFilterConfigurationException
PipelinedComparatorError - Error in com.deltaxml.core
Specifies an error condition in the PipelinedComparator.
PipelinedComparatorError(String) - Constructor for error com.deltaxml.core.PipelinedComparatorError
Creates a new PipelinedComparatorError.
PipelinedComparatorError(Throwable) - Constructor for error com.deltaxml.core.PipelinedComparatorError
Creates a new PipelinedComparatorError.
PipelinedComparatorError(String, Throwable) - Constructor for error com.deltaxml.core.PipelinedComparatorError
Creates a new PipelinedComparatorError.
PipelinedComparatorException - Exception in com.deltaxml.core
Indicates an error condition in the PipelinedComparator.
PipelinedComparatorException(String) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.core.PipelinedComparatorException
Creates a new PipelinedComparatorException.
PipelinedComparatorException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.core.PipelinedComparatorException
Creates a new PipelinedComparatorException.
PipelinedComparatorException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.core.PipelinedComparatorException
Creates a new PipelinedComparatorException.
PipelinedComparatorS9 - Class in com.deltaxml.cores9api
Provides a Pipeline abstraction for the Comparator.
PipelinedComparatorS9() - Constructor for class com.deltaxml.cores9api.PipelinedComparatorS9
Creates a new PipelinedComparatorS9.
PipelinedComparatorS9(Processor) - Constructor for class com.deltaxml.cores9api.PipelinedComparatorS9
A constructor allowing the use of a supplied s9api Processor.
PipelinedComparatorS9Exception - Exception in com.deltaxml.cores9api
Indicates an error condition in the PipelinedComparatorS9 compare method.
PipelinedComparatorS9Exception(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.cores9api.PipelinedComparatorS9Exception
Creates a new PipelinedComparatorException.
PipelineException - Exception in com.deltaxml.cores9api
Indicates an error condition in the use of a Pipeline Object.
PipelineIOIdentifier - Enum in com.deltaxml.core
A type-safe enumeration used to define the various filter chains associated with a PipelinedComparatorS9.
PipelineLoadingException - Exception in com.deltaxml.cores9api
Indicates a problem when loading a pipeline.
PipelineLoadingException(String, Throwable, PipelineIOIdentifier) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.cores9api.PipelineLoadingException
Creates a new PipelineLoadingException.
PipelineLocationEntry - Interface in com.deltaxml.cores9api
The location of an entry in a comparator pipeline.
PipelineProgressListener - Interface in com.deltaxml.cores9api
Monitor the progress of the pipelined comparator.
PipelineProgressTextReporter - Class in com.deltaxml.cores9api
Reports pipeline progress to System.err using textual messages.
PipelineProgressTextReporter() - Constructor for class com.deltaxml.cores9api.PipelineProgressTextReporter
Constructs a progress reporter that reports times and filter names.
PipelineProgressTextReporter(boolean) - Constructor for class com.deltaxml.cores9api.PipelineProgressTextReporter
Constructs a configurable progress reporter.
PipelineProgressTextReporter(boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class com.deltaxml.cores9api.PipelineProgressTextReporter
Constructs a configurable progress reporter.
PipelineSerializationException - Exception in com.deltaxml.cores9api
Indicates a problem when saving or serializing the result of a comparison using PipelinedComparatorS9.
PipelineSerializationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.cores9api.PipelineSerializationException
Creates a new PipelineSerializationException.
popAncestorStack(String, String, String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.AncestorXMLFilter
Checks that the top element of the stack is the same as the supplied element, if it is then pops the top of the stack.
prependFilterChain(FilterChain) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.FilterChain
Adds FilterSteps to the start of this FilterChain.
PreservationOutputType - Enum in com.deltaxml.cores9api.config
Used to specify how the lexically preserved items should be styled.
PreservationProcessingMode - Enum in com.deltaxml.cores9api.config
Represents the behaviour required when outputting preserved lexical items which have changed.
PresetPreservationMode - Enum in com.deltaxml.cores9api.config
The preset lexical preservation modes.
PROCESS_ADDITIONAL_INFO - Static variable in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLFilterImpl3
Process additional information events.
PROCESS_ALL - Static variable in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLFilterImpl3
Process all filter events.
PROCESS_BODY - Static variable in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLFilterImpl3
Process body events.
PROCESS_DATA - Static variable in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLFilterImpl3
Process text data events.
PROCESS_DECLS - Static variable in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLFilterImpl3
Process all declaration events.
PROCESS_ELEM_AND_ATTRIB_DECLS - Static variable in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLFilterImpl3
Process element and attribute declaration events.
PROCESS_ENTITY_AND_NOTATION_DECLS - Static variable in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLFilterImpl3
Process the entity and notation declaration events.
PROCESS_ENTITY_DECLS - Static variable in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLFilterImpl3
Process the entity declaration events.
PROCESS_ENTITY_REFS - Static variable in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLFilterImpl3
Process all entity reference events (including skipped reference events).
PROCESS_EXCEPTIONS - Static variable in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLFilterImpl3
Process exception events.
PROCESS_INTERNAL_SUBSET - Static variable in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLFilterImpl3
Process the events that occur in the internal subset.
PROCESS_NORMAL_BODY - Static variable in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLFilterImpl3
Process normal body events.
processEvent(XMLFilterImpl3.SaxEventItem) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLFilterImpl3
State whether the filter is processing the given event.
processingInstruction(String, String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.LexicalPreservationBase
Implementation of the processingInstruction SAX event handler.
processingInstruction(String, String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLFilterImpl3
Process the SAX processingInstruction event.
processingInstruction(String, String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLPushFilterAdapter
An implementation of the ContentHandler processingInstruction method.
processingInstruction(String, String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLPushFilterImpl
An extensible implementation of the ContentHandler processingInstruction method.
PropertyNotRecognizedException - Exception in com.deltaxml.core
Thrown to indicate a problem setting a property on the PipelinedComparator.
PropertyNotRecognizedException(String, Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.core.PropertyNotRecognizedException
Creates a new PropertyNotRecognizedException.
PropertyNotRecognizedException(String, String) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.core.PropertyNotRecognizedException
Creates a new PropertyNotRecognizedException.
PropertyNotRecognizedException(Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.core.PropertyNotRecognizedException
Creates a new PropertyNotRecognizedException.
PropertySettingNotSupportedException - Exception in com.deltaxml.core
Thrown to indicate a problem setting a property with an unsupported value or type.
PropertySettingNotSupportedException(String, Throwable, String, Class<?>, Class<?>) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.core.PropertySettingNotSupportedException
Creates a new PropertySettingNotSupportedException.
PropertySettingNotSupportedException(String, String, Class<?>) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.core.PropertySettingNotSupportedException
Creates a new PropertySettingNotSupportedException.
PropertySettingNotSupportedException(String, String, Class<?>, Class<?>) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.core.PropertySettingNotSupportedException
Creates a new PropertySettingNotSupportedException.
PropertySettingNotSupportedException(Throwable, String, Class<?>, Class<?>) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.core.PropertySettingNotSupportedException
Creates a new PropertySettingNotSupportedException.
pushAncestorStack(String, String, String, Attributes) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.AncestorXMLFilter
Pushes the supplied element onto the ancestor stack.


removeProgressListener(DocumentProgressListener) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.DocumentComparator
removeProgressListener(PipelineProgressListener) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.PipelinedComparatorS9
removeStep(String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.FilterChain
Removes the FilterStep with the supplied name from the FilterChain.
removeStep(int) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.FilterChain
Removes the FilterStep at the given position from the FilterChain.
replaceStep(FilterStep) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.FilterChain
Replaces an existing FilterStep by name.
reportCompareFinish(long, long) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.DCPipelineProgressTextReporter
Reports when the comparison has completed.
reportCompareFinish(long, long) - Method in interface com.deltaxml.cores9api.PipelineProgressListener
Reports when the comparison has completed.
reportCompareFinish(long, long) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.PipelineProgressTextReporter
Reports when the comparison has completed.
reportCompareHeartbeat() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.DCPipelineProgressTextReporter
Reports that progress has been made in the current comparison.
reportCompareHeartbeat() - Method in interface com.deltaxml.cores9api.PipelineProgressListener
Reports that progress has been made in the current comparison.
reportCompareHeartbeat() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.PipelineProgressTextReporter
Reports that progress has been made in the current comparison.
reportCompareStart() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.DCPipelineProgressTextReporter
Reports when the comparison has started.
reportCompareStart() - Method in interface com.deltaxml.cores9api.PipelineProgressListener
Reports when the comparison has started.
reportCompareStart() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.PipelineProgressTextReporter
Reports when the comparison has started.
reportFilterFinish(PipelineLocationEntry, long, long) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.DCPipelineProgressTextReporter
Reports when a pipeline filter finishes.
reportFilterFinish(PipelineLocationEntry, long, long) - Method in interface com.deltaxml.cores9api.PipelineProgressListener
Reports when a pipeline filter finishes.
reportFilterFinish(PipelineLocationEntry, long, long) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.PipelineProgressTextReporter
Reports when a pipeline filter finishes.
reportFilterOrSubchainSkipped(PipelineLocationEntry, int) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.DCPipelineProgressTextReporter
Reports when a pipeline filter or subchain is skipped.
reportFilterOrSubchainSkipped(PipelineLocationEntry, int) - Method in interface com.deltaxml.cores9api.PipelineProgressListener
Reports when a pipeline filter or subchain is skipped.
reportFilterOrSubchainSkipped(PipelineLocationEntry, int) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.PipelineProgressTextReporter
Reports when a pipeline filter or subchain is skipped.
reportFilterStart(PipelineLocationEntry) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.DCPipelineProgressTextReporter
Reports when a pipeline filter starts.
reportFilterStart(PipelineLocationEntry) - Method in interface com.deltaxml.cores9api.PipelineProgressListener
Reports when a pipeline filter starts.
reportFilterStart(PipelineLocationEntry) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.PipelineProgressTextReporter
Reports when a pipeline filter starts.
reportFlatteningPreProcessingFinish(PipelineLocationEntry, long, long) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.DCPipelineProgressTextReporter
reportFlatteningPreProcessingFinish(PipelineLocationEntry, long, long) - Method in interface com.deltaxml.cores9api.DocumentProgressListener
Report the flattening pre-processing stage finishes.
reportFlatteningPreProcessingStart(PipelineLocationEntry) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.DCPipelineProgressTextReporter
reportFlatteningPreProcessingStart(PipelineLocationEntry) - Method in interface com.deltaxml.cores9api.DocumentProgressListener
Report the flattening pre-processing stage starts.
reportLoadFinish(PipelineLocationEntry, long, long) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.DCPipelineProgressTextReporter
Reports when pipeline has been loaded.
reportLoadFinish(PipelineLocationEntry, long, long) - Method in interface com.deltaxml.cores9api.PipelineProgressListener
Reports when pipeline has been loaded.
reportLoadFinish(PipelineLocationEntry, long, long) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.PipelineProgressTextReporter
Reports when pipeline has been loaded.
reportLoadStart(PipelineLocationEntry) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.DCPipelineProgressTextReporter
Reports when pipeline starts to load.
reportLoadStart(PipelineLocationEntry) - Method in interface com.deltaxml.cores9api.PipelineProgressListener
Reports when pipeline starts to load.
reportLoadStart(PipelineLocationEntry) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.PipelineProgressTextReporter
Reports when pipeline starts to load.
reportNumberOfStages(int) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.DCPipelineProgressTextReporter
Report the number of enabled stages.
reportNumberOfStages(int) - Method in interface com.deltaxml.cores9api.PipelineProgressListener
Report the number of enabled stages.
reportNumberOfStages(int) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.PipelineProgressTextReporter
Report the number of enabled stages.
reportSaveFinish(long, long) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.DCPipelineProgressTextReporter
Reports when the output has been completed.
reportSaveFinish(long, long) - Method in interface com.deltaxml.cores9api.PipelineProgressListener
Reports when the output has been completed.
reportSaveFinish(long, long) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.PipelineProgressTextReporter
Reports when the output has been completed.
reportSaveStart() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.DCPipelineProgressTextReporter
Reports when the output is starting to be written.
reportSaveStart() - Method in interface com.deltaxml.cores9api.PipelineProgressListener
Reports when the output is starting to be written.
reportSaveStart() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.PipelineProgressTextReporter
Reports when the output is starting to be written.
reportSubchainEnter(PipelineLocationEntry) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.DCPipelineProgressTextReporter
reportSubchainEnter(PipelineLocationEntry) - Method in interface com.deltaxml.cores9api.PipelineProgressListener
Reports when a subchain within the pipeline is entered.
reportSubchainEnter(PipelineLocationEntry) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.PipelineProgressTextReporter
reportSubchainExit(PipelineLocationEntry, long, long) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.DCPipelineProgressTextReporter
reportSubchainExit(PipelineLocationEntry, long, long) - Method in interface com.deltaxml.cores9api.PipelineProgressListener
Reports when a subchain within the pipeline is exited.
reportSubchainExit(PipelineLocationEntry, long, long) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.PipelineProgressTextReporter
resetCache() - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw.WordInfilter
A reset or clear operation for the Break Iterator cache.
resetLexicalPreservationConfigToDefault() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.DocumentComparator
Resets the LexicalPreservationConfig setting back to the default mode.
ResultFormat - Enum in com.deltaxml.cores9api.config
Specifies the format of results output from the DocumentComparator.
ResultReadabilityOptions - Class in com.deltaxml.cores9api.config
Sets options to change the granularity and ordering of changes in the result in order to improve readability.
ResultReadabilityOptions() - Constructor for class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.ResultReadabilityOptions
Constructs a new ResultReadabilityOptions instance.
RethrowingParserErrorHandler - Class in com.deltaxml.core
An ErrorHandler that throws errors and fatalErrors when they are reported.
RethrowingParserErrorHandler() - Constructor for class com.deltaxml.core.RethrowingParserErrorHandler
Constructs a RethrowingParserErrorHandler.


SchemaErrorHandler - Class in com.deltaxml.cores9api
Error handler for DCP Schema.
SchemaErrorHandler() - Constructor for class com.deltaxml.cores9api.SchemaErrorHandler
The Zero-parameter constructor.
setAdvancedEntityReferenceUsage(AdvancedEntityRefUsage) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.LexicalPreservationConfig
Specify advanced behaviour of entity reference processing.
setAllPreservationItems(boolean) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.LexicalPreservationConfig
Sets the preservation status of all PreserveItems.
setAttributeChangeMarked(boolean) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.OutputFormatConfiguration
Sets the behaviour for marking elements with an attribute changed marker.
setAValue(String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw.WordByWordElement
Sets the elements's value from document 'A'.
setBValue(String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw.WordByWordElement
Sets the elements's value from document 'B'.
setBypassLexicalPreservationOutputChain(boolean) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.PipelinedComparatorS9
Sets whether or not to bypass the automatically added lexical preservation output chain during the comparison.
setCacheResetForNewDocument(boolean) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw.WordInfilter
Controls whether the cache of BreakIterators is cleared for each new document.
setCalsColumnKeyingMode(CalsColumnKeyingMode) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.CalsTableConfiguration
Sets the CalsColumnKeyingMode to use when comparing CALS tables.
setCalsTableConfiguration(CalsTableConfiguration) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.DocumentComparator
Sets the configuration options for CALS table comparison.
setCancellationPolicy(CancellationPolicy, Optional<Long>) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.DocumentComparator
Set a policy to timeout the comparison.
setCancellationPolicy(CancellationPolicy, Optional<Long>) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.PipelinedComparatorS9
Set a policy to timeout the comparison.
setCDATAOutputType(PreservationOutputType) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.LexicalPreservationConfig
Set the PreservationOutputType for changes to CDATA sections.
setCDATAProcessingMode(PreservationProcessingMode) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.LexicalPreservationConfig
Set the PreservationProcessingMode to use for changes to CDATA blocks.
setChangeGatheringEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.ResultReadabilityOptions
Sets whether to change the order of consecutive changed items to improve readability.
setCharacterByCharacterEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.ResultReadabilityOptions
Returns the setting which enables the character by character comparison.
setClassXpath(String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.moves.MoveCandidate
Sets the class XPath
setColumnKeyingMode(ColumnKeyingMode) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.CalsTableConfiguration
Sets the ColumnKeyingMode to use when comparing CALS tables.
setCommentOutputType(PreservationOutputType) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.LexicalPreservationConfig
Set the PreservationOutputType for changes to comments.
setCommentProcessingMode(PreservationProcessingMode) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.LexicalPreservationConfig
Set the PreservationProcessingMode to use for changes to comments.
setComparatorFeature(String, boolean) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.PipelinedComparatorS9
Sets a Feature (or option) associated with the comparator at the centre of the pipeline.
setComparatorProperty(String, Object) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.PipelinedComparatorS9
Configures comparator properties for the pipeline.
setDebug(boolean) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.FilterChain
Sets whether to output intermediate debug files from this FilterChain.
setDebug(boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.FilterChain
Sets whether to output intermediate debug files from this FilterChain.
setDebugDir(File) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.FilterChain
Sets the top-level directory in which to place any debug output.
setDebugDir(File, boolean) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.FilterChain
Sets the top-level directory in which to place any debug output.
setDebugFiles(boolean) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.DocumentComparator
Determines whether intermediate pipeline result files are generated.
setDebugFiles(boolean) - Method in interface com.deltaxml.cores9api.internals.CommonComparator
Determines whether intermediate pipeline result files are generated.
setDebugFiles(boolean) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.PipelinedComparatorS9
Determines whether intermediate pipeline result files are generated.
setDebugFilesPrefix(String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.DocumentComparator
Provides a prefix for debug result files.
setDebugFilesPrefix(String) - Method in interface com.deltaxml.cores9api.internals.CommonComparator
Provides a prefix for debug result files.
setDebugFilesPrefix(String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.PipelinedComparatorS9
Provides a prefix for debug result files.
setDefaultAttributeInfoOutputType(PreservationOutputType) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.LexicalPreservationConfig
Set the PreservationOutputType for changes to defaulted attributes.
setDefaultAttributeInfoProcessingMode(DefaultAttProcessingMode) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.LexicalPreservationConfig
Set the DefaultAttProcessingMode to use for defaulted attributes.
setDefaultBreakIterator(RuleBasedBreakIterator) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw.WordInfilter
Sets the break iterator to be used when xml:lang attributes do not specify a locale in the input XML.
setDefaultMode(SubtreeMode) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.SubtreeProcessingMode
Sets the Default Type value.
setDefaultNamespace(String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.moves.MoveDetectionConfig
Set the default namespace if the input XML files have a default namespace definition.
setDefaultOutputType(PreservationOutputType) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.LexicalPreservationConfig
Set the default PreservationOutputType for changes to preserved items.
setDefaultProcessingMode(PreservationProcessingMode) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.LexicalPreservationConfig
Set the PreservationProcessingMode to use as the default behaviour for changed lexical preservation items.
setDelta(Delta) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw.WordByWordElement
Sets the element's delta value.
setDescription(String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.core.DXPParameterDefinition
Set the parameters description.
setDetectMoves(boolean) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.ResultReadabilityOptions
Please use MoveDetectionConfig instead.
setDoctypeOutputType(PreservationOutputType) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.LexicalPreservationConfig
Set the PreservationOutputType for changes to document type (and internal subset).
setDoctypeProcessingMode(PreservationProcessingMode) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.LexicalPreservationConfig
Set the PreservationProcessingMode to use for changes to doctype declarations.
setDocumentLocator(Locator) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.LexicalPreservationBase
Implementation of the SAX setDocumentationLocator event handler.
setDocumentLocator(Locator) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLFilterImpl3
Process the SAX setDocumentLocator event.
setDocumentLocator(Locator) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLPushFilterAdapter
An implementation of the ContentHandler setDocumentLocator method.
setDocumentLocator(Locator) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLPushFilterImpl
An extensible implementation of the ContentHandler setDocumentLocator method.
setElementSplittingDebug(boolean) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.ResultReadabilityOptions
Sets whether the element splitting filter should output internal debug information.
setElementSplittingDebugTextReportSize(int) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.ResultReadabilityOptions
Sets a limit on the length of each debug report output by the element splitting filter.
setElementSplittingEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.ResultReadabilityOptions
Sets whether modified elements containing text should be split when the amount of unchanged text falls below a given percentage.
setElementSplittingThreshold(int) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.ResultReadabilityOptions
Sets the percentage of unchanged text present in a modified element below which the element will be split.
setElemXpath(String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.moves.MoveCandidate
Sets the element XPath
setElemXpath(String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.Subtree
Sets the element XPath.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.MathMLConfig
Sets whether the DocumentComparator should use MathML-specific processing.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.moves.MoveDetectionConfig
Enable or disable move processing.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.SVGConfiguration
Sets whether the DocumentComparator should do SVG comparison.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.FilterStep
Sets the enabled state of this FilterStep.
setEntityRefOutputType(PreservationOutputType) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.LexicalPreservationConfig
Set the PreservationOutputType for changes to entity references.
setEntityRefProcessingMode(PreservationProcessingMode) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.LexicalPreservationConfig
Set the PreservationProcessingMode for changes to entity references.
setEntityResolver(EntityResolver, boolean) - Method in interface com.deltaxml.cores9api.internals.CommonComparator
Set an entity resolver for use when reading the inputs to the pipelined comparator.
setEntityResolver(EntityResolver) - Method in interface com.deltaxml.cores9api.internals.CommonComparator
Set an entity resolver for use when reading the inputs to the pipelined comparator.
setEvaluationVariables(boolean, double) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.DocumentComparator
Used to pass on the evaluation information to the underlying comparator used in the other products like DocBook.
setExtensionPoint(DocumentComparator.ExtensionPoint, FilterChain) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.DocumentComparator
Sets the FilterChain to run at the specified DocumentComparator.ExtensionPoint.
setFallback(boolean) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.SVGConfiguration
Sets whether to fallback to SVGGranularity.DETAILED.
setFallbackChangePercentage(double) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.SVGConfiguration
Sets fallback change percentage setting for SVG comparison results.
setFramemakerTableChangeMode(FrameMakerTrackChangesTableChangeMode) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.OutputFormatConfiguration
Specifies how changes in FrameMaker tables should be tracked.
setGenerateComparisonReport(boolean) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.DocumentComparator
This method used to generate comparison report.
setGrouping(boolean) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.OutputFormatConfiguration
Sets whether grouping adjacent changes is enabled or not.
setHtmlColumnKeyingMode(HtmlColumnKeyingMode) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.HtmlTableConfiguration
Sets the HtmlColumnKeyingMode to use when comparing HTML tables.
setHtmlTableConfiguration(HtmlTableConfiguration) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.DocumentComparator
Sets the configuration options for HTML table comparison.
setIgnorableWhitespaceOutputType(PreservationOutputType) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.LexicalPreservationConfig
Set the PreservationOutputType for changes to ignorable whitespace.
setIgnorableWhitespaceProcessingMode(PreservationProcessingMode) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.LexicalPreservationConfig
Set the PreservationProcessingMode for changes to ignorable whitespace.
setIgnoreColumnOrder(boolean) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.CalsTableConfiguration
Sets whether the DocumentComparator should ignore CALS table column order.
setIgnoreColumnOrder(boolean) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.HtmlTableConfiguration
Sets whether the DocumentComparator should ignore HTML table column order.
setIgnoreXMLLangAttributes(boolean) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw.WordInfilter
Controls whether xml:lang attribute settings are used or ignored.
setInput1Filters(FilterChain) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.PipelinedComparatorS9
Allows filters to be specified using a FilterChain.
setInput2Filters(FilterChain) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.PipelinedComparatorS9
Allows filters to be specified using a FilterChain.
setInputASVGMarkupStyle(String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.SVGConfiguration
Sets the Input A SVG markup style setting for SVG comparison results.
setInputBSVGMarkupStyle(String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.SVGConfiguration
Sets the Input B SVG markup style setting for SVG comparison results.
setInputFilters(FilterChain) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.PipelinedComparatorS9
Allows input filters to be specified using a FilterChain.
setInvalidTableBehaviour(InvalidTableBehaviour) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.CalsTableConfiguration
Sets the behaviour to use when inputs contain invalid CALS tables.
setInvalidTableBehaviour(InvalidTableBehaviour) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.HtmlTableConfiguration
Sets the behaviour to use when inputs contain invalid HTML tables.
setisCharacterByCharacter(boolean) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw.v62.WordInfilter62
Used to control where <deltaxml:word> elements contain a single character or a word.
setLexicalPreservationConfig(LexicalPreservationConfig) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.DocumentComparator
Sets the LexicalPreservationConfig to use during comparison.
setLexicalPreservationConfig(LexicalPreservationConfig) - Method in interface com.deltaxml.cores9api.internals.CommonComparator
Sets the LexicalPreservationConfig to use during comparison.
setLexicalPreservationConfig(LexicalPreservationConfig) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.PipelinedComparatorS9
Sets the LexicalPreservationConfig to use during comparison.
setMarkTableCellSpanExtentChanges(boolean) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.CalsTableConfiguration
Sets the markTableCellSpanExtentChanges feature on or off.
setMarkTableCellSpanExtentChanges(boolean) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.HtmlTableConfiguration
Sets the markTableCellSpanExtentChanges feature on or off.
setMathMLConfig(MathMLConfig) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.DocumentComparator
Sets the configuration options for the MathML processing.
setMathMLGranularity(MathMLGranularity) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.MathMLConfig
Sets the granularity at which the differences between two MathML expressions will be represented.
setMixedContentDetectionScope(MixedContentDetectionScope) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.ResultReadabilityOptions
Set the scope MixedContentDetectionScope to use for determining whether elements are of a mixed-content type.
setModifiedAttributeMode(ModifiedAttributeMode) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.OutputFormatConfiguration
Sets the behaviour for the outputting of modified attributes.
setModifiedFormatOutput(ModifiedFormatOutput) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.OutputFormatConfiguration
Sets the behaviour for outputting elements with modified formatting.
setModifiedWhitespaceBehaviour(ModifiedWhitespaceBehaviour) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.ResultReadabilityOptions
Set the ModifiedWhitespaceBehaviour to use for changes to whitespace.
setMoveAttributeXpath(String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.ResultReadabilityOptions
Please use MoveDetectionConfig instead.
setMoveCandidates(List<MoveCandidate>) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.moves.MoveDetectionConfig
Sets the list of MoveCandidates
setMoveDetectionConfig(MoveDetectionConfig) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.DocumentComparator
Sets the configuration options for Move Detection.
setMoveDetectionType(MoveDetectionType) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.moves.MoveDetectionConfig
Sets the moveDetectionType
setnormalizeAttValues(String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.NormalizeSpace
Specifies whether to normalize attribute values.
setNormalizeTable(boolean) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.HtmlTableConfiguration
Sets whether the DocumentComparator should normalize the specification of columns in HTML tables.
setNumericToleranceValue(String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.SVGConfiguration
Sets the numeric tolerance value for SVG comparison results.
setOptimiseWhitespaceOnlyChanges(boolean) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw.WordOutfilter
Switches off textGroup optimisation for whitespace-only changes.
setOptimizeXMLFiltersAroundComparator(boolean) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.PipelinedComparatorS9
Apply streaming optimization to filters around the comparator.
setOrderlessPresentationMode(OrderlessPresentationMode) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.OutputFormatConfiguration
Sets the OrderlessPresentationMode to use when elements are compared in an orderless manner.
setorphanedLengthLimit(String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw.OrphanedWordOutfilter
Sets the value for the maximum number of words that can be included in an orphaned section.
setorphanedThresholdPercentage(String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw.OrphanedWordOutfilter
Sets the percentage value for the calculating of orphaned sections.
setOrphanedWordDetectionEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.ResultReadabilityOptions
Sets whether or not to enable orphaned word detection and fix-up.
setOrphanedWordLengthLimit(int) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.ResultReadabilityOptions
Sets the maximum number of words to consider for orphaned word detection.
setOrphanedWordMaxPercentage(int) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.ResultReadabilityOptions
Sets the maximum proportion of the total change size that orphaned words can take while still being considered orphans.
setOuterPiAndCommentOutputType(PreservationOutputType) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.LexicalPreservationConfig
Set the PreservationOutputType to use for changes to processing instructions and comments outside the root element (and outside the internal subset).
setOuterPiAndCommentProcessingMode(PreservationProcessingMode) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.LexicalPreservationConfig
Set the PreservationProcessingMode to use for changes to processing instructions and comments outside the root element.
setOutputFilters(FilterChain) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.PipelinedComparatorS9
Allows output filters to be specified using a FilterChain.
setOutputFormatConfiguration(OutputFormatConfiguration) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.DocumentComparator
Sets the configuration options for the format of the result document.
setOutputProperty(Serializer.Property, String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.DocumentComparator
Configures output formatting and control.
setOutputProperty(Serializer.Property, String) - Method in interface com.deltaxml.cores9api.internals.CommonComparator
Configures output formatting and control.
setOutputProperty(Serializer.Property, String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.PipelinedComparatorS9
Configures output formatting and control.
setParameterValue(String, Object) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.FilterChain
setParameterValue(String, Object) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.FilterStep
Sets a parameter on this FilterStep.
setParams(Map<String, Boolean>, Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.DCPConfiguration
Set new parameter values to override named default parameter settings included in the DCP file.
setParent(XMLReader) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.LexicalPreservationBase
setParserFeature(String, boolean) - Method in interface com.deltaxml.cores9api.internals.CommonComparator
Sets a feature on the parser used for reading XML inputs into a Core S9 Comparator.
setParserProperty(String, Object) - Method in interface com.deltaxml.cores9api.internals.CommonComparator
Configures parser properties for the pipeline input parsers.
setPipelineLocationEntry(PipelineLocationEntry) - Method in interface com.deltaxml.cores9api.SummarisingErrorListener
setPreserveCDATA(boolean) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.LexicalPreservationConfig
Controls whether marker elements are inserted to record where CDATA sections were used.
setPreserveComments(boolean) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.LexicalPreservationConfig
Controls whether XML Comments are converted into XML markup.
setPreserveContentModel(boolean) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.LexicalPreservationConfig
Controls whether markup used to record content model information is persisted.
setPreserveDefaultAttributeInfo(boolean) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.LexicalPreservationConfig
Adds information about which attributes arose through the use of default attribute values in the DTD, as opposed to having explicit values.
setPreserveDoctype(boolean) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.LexicalPreservationConfig
Controls whether items in XML DOCTYPE declaration and the DTD internal subset are converted into XML markup.
setPreserveDocumentLocation(boolean) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.LexicalPreservationConfig
Controls whether markup is added to record the document location information
setPreserveEntityReferences(boolean) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.LexicalPreservationConfig
Controls whether markup is used to record where entity references were used.
setPreserveEntityReplacementText(boolean) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.LexicalPreservationConfig
Controls whether entity replacement text is preserved by this filter.
setPreserveIgnorableWhitespace(boolean) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.LexicalPreservationConfig
Controls whether ignorableWhitespace is converted into standard character data.
setPreserveNestedEntityReferences(boolean) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.LexicalPreservationConfig
Controls whether entity references are included in entity replacement text results.
setPreserveProcessingInstructions(boolean) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.LexicalPreservationConfig
Controls whether processing instructions are converted into XML markup.
setPreserveXMLDeclaration(boolean) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.LexicalPreservationConfig
Controls whether XML Declaration related information is converted into XML markup.
setProcessFilter(XMLFilterImpl3.SaxEventItem, boolean) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLFilterImpl3
Set whether to process a SAX event item.
setProcessFilter(EnumSet<XMLFilterImpl3.SaxEventItem>, boolean) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLFilterImpl3
Set whether to process the set of SAX event items.
setProcessFilter(EnumSet<XMLFilterImpl3.SaxEventItem>) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLFilterImpl3
Set which SAX event items to process an item set.
setProcessingInstructionOutputType(PreservationOutputType) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.LexicalPreservationConfig
Set the PreservationOutputType for changes to processing instructions.
setProcessingInstructionProcessingMode(PreservationProcessingMode) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.LexicalPreservationConfig
Set the PreservationProcessingMode for changes to processing instructions.
setProcessPreserveSpaceText(String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw.v62.WordInfilter62
Used to control whether text under an element with xml:space="preserve" is split into words.
setProcessTables(boolean) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.CalsTableConfiguration
Sets whether the DocumentComparator should process CALS tables.
setProcessTables(boolean) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.HtmlTableConfiguration
Sets whether the DocumentComparator should process HTML tables.
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.AncestorXMLFilter
Specifies a property used to configure the filter.
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLFilterImpl2
Specifies a property used to configure the filter.
setRedistributionLicenseContent(long[]) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.DocumentComparator
setRedistributionLicenseContent(long[], LicenseContent, Set<String>) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.DocumentComparator
Sets a redistribution license for use with subsequent compare operations.
setRedistributionLicenseContent(long[]) - Method in interface com.deltaxml.cores9api.internals.CommonComparator
Sets a redistribution license for use with subsequent compare operations.
setRedistributionLicenseContent(long[]) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.PipelinedComparatorS9
setRemoveMoveSource(boolean) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.ResultReadabilityOptions
Please use MoveDetectionConfig instead.
setReportDirectory(String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.DocumentComparator
Sets the String to use for the output directory when generating comparison report.
setReportIncidentals(boolean) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.DCPipelineProgressTextReporter
Set report incidentals.
setReportIncidentals(boolean) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.PipelineProgressTextReporter
Set report incidentals.
setReportTimes(boolean) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.DCPipelineProgressTextReporter
Controls whether timing information is reported.
setReportTimes(boolean) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.PipelineProgressTextReporter
Controls whether timing information is reported.
setResult(Result) - Method in interface com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLPushFilter
Enables the user to set the Result for the transformation.
setResult(Result) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLPushFilterAdapter
Enables the user to set the Result of the transformation.
setResult(Result) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLPushFilterImpl
Enables the user to set the Result of the transformation.
setResultFormat(ResultFormat) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.OutputFormatConfiguration
Sets the result format that should be output from the comparison.
setResultReadabilityOptions(ResultReadabilityOptions) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.DocumentComparator
Sets the configuration options for making a document result more readable.
setShowMoveSource(boolean) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.moves.MoveDetectionConfig
Sets showMoveSource
setSubtreeProcessingMode(SubtreeProcessingMode) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.DocumentComparator
Sets the configuration options for Subtree Processing.
setSubtrees(List<Subtree>) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.SubtreeProcessingMode
Sets the list of Subtrees.
setSVGComparisonGranularity(SVGGranularity) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.SVGConfiguration
Sets the granularity at which the differences between two SVG images will be represented.
setSVGConfig(SVGConfiguration) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.DocumentComparator
Sets the configuration options for the SVG comparison.
setTrackChangesAuthor(String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.OutputFormatConfiguration
Sets the String to use for the author when generating tracked changes.
setTrackChangesDate(Calendar) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.OutputFormatConfiguration
Specifies a Calendar instance to use as the date representation when generating tracked changes.
setTransformerConfigurationOption(String, Object) - Method in interface com.deltaxml.cores9api.internals.CommonComparator
Set a configuration option on the XSLT transformers used in a Core S9 API comparator.
setTransformerConfigurationOption(String, Object) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.PipelinedComparatorS9
Set a configuration option on the XSLT transformers used in the pipeline.
setType(SubtreeMode) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.Subtree
Sets the element Type.
setUnchangedValue(String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw.WordByWordElement
Sets the elements's unchanged value.
setURIResolver(URIResolver, boolean) - Method in interface com.deltaxml.cores9api.internals.CommonComparator
Sets a resolver for use by all XSLT based filters in a Core S9 API comparator.
setURIResolver(URIResolver) - Method in interface com.deltaxml.cores9api.internals.CommonComparator
Sets a resolver for use by all XSLT based filters in a Core S9 API comparator.
setUserNamespaces(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.moves.MoveDetectionConfig
Set any user namespaces required by the input XML files.
setValidationLevel(ValidationLevel) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.CalsTableConfiguration
Sets the ValidationLevel to use for CALS table validation.
setValidationLevel(ValidationLevel) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.HtmlTableConfiguration
Sets the ValidationLevel to use for HTML table validation.
setValue(T) - Method in class com.deltaxml.core.DXPParameterInstance
Set the parameters current value.
setWarningReportMode(WarningReportMode) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.CalsTableConfiguration
Specifies how CALS table invalidity warnings should be reported.
setWarningReportMode(WarningReportMode) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.HtmlTableConfiguration
Specifies how HTML table invalidity warnings should be reported.
setwrapUnchangedText(String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw.v62.WordOutfilter62
Sets whether unchanged text should be wrapped in a deltaxml:textGroup.
setwrapUnchangedText(String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw.WordBufferingFilter
Sets whether unchanged text should be wrapped in a deltaxml:textGroup.
setwrapUnchangedText(String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw.WordOutfilter
Sets whether unchanged text should be wrapped in a deltaxml:textGroup.
setXmetalTcsTableChangeMode(XmetalTrackChangesTableChangeMode) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.OutputFormatConfiguration
Specifies how changes in XMetaL tables should be tracked.
setXMLDeclarationOutputType(PreservationOutputType) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.LexicalPreservationConfig
Set the PreservationOutputType for changes to XML declaration.
setXMLDeclarationProcessingMode(PreservationProcessingMode) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.LexicalPreservationConfig
Set the PreservationProcessingMode to use for changes to the xml declaration.
setXpathToReferencedSVG(String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.SVGConfiguration
Sets XPath to the referenced SVG.
setZIndex(boolean) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.SVGConfiguration
Sets whether the DocumentComparator should show Z-Index changes in a SVG comparison.
setZIndexSVGMarkupStyle(String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.SVGConfiguration
Sets the Z Index SVG markup style setting for SVG comparison results.
skippedEntity(String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.LexicalPreservationBase
Implementation of the skipEntity SAX event handler.
skippedEntity(String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLFilterImpl3
Process the SAX skippedEntity event.
skippedEntity(String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLPushFilterAdapter
An implementation of the ContentHandler skippedEntity method.
skippedEntity(String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLPushFilterImpl
An extensible implementation of the ContentHandler skippedEntity method.
stackDepth() - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.AncestorXMLFilter
Returns the current depth of the ancestor stack.
startCDATA() - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.LexicalPreservationBase
Implementation of the startCDATA SAX event handler.
startCDATA() - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLFilterImpl2
An extensible implementation of the SAX LexicalHandler startCDATA event, which reports the start of a CDATA boundry idenitified by the parser.
startCDATA() - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLFilterImpl3
Process the SAX startCDATA event.
startCDATA() - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLPushFilterAdapter
An implementation of the LexicalHandler startCDATA method.
startCDATA() - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLPushFilterImpl
An extensible implementation of the LexicalHandler startCDATA method.
startDocument() - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.AncestorXMLFilter
Overrides the default startDocument method.
startDocument() - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.CleanHouse
Overrides the default startDocument.
startDocument() - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw.format.FormatAwareWordInfilter
startDocument() - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw.v62.WordInfilter62
Overrides the default startDocument method.
startDocument() - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw.WordInfilter
Overrides the default startDocument method.
startDocument() - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.LexicalPreservationBase
Implementation of the SAX startDocument event handler.
startDocument() - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.NormalizeSpace
Overrides the default startDocument method.
startDocument() - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLFilterImpl3
Process the SAX startDocument event.
startDocument() - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLPushFilterAdapter
An implementation of the ContentHandler startDocument method.
startDocument() - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLPushFilterImpl
An extensible implementation of the ContentHandler startDocument method.
startDTD(String, String, String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.LexicalPreservationBase
Implementation of the startDTD SAX event handler.
startDTD(String, String, String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLFilterImpl2
An extensible implementation of the SAX LexicalHandler startDTD event, which reports the start of DOCTYPE processing by the parser.
startDTD(String, String, String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLFilterImpl3
Process the SAX startDTD event.
startDTD(String, String, String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLPushFilterAdapter
An implementation of the LexicalHandler startDTD method.
startDTD(String, String, String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLPushFilterImpl
An extensible implementation of the LexicalHandler startDTD method.
startElement(String, String, String, Attributes) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.AncestorXMLFilter
Overrides the default startElement method.
startElement(String, String, String, Attributes) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.CleanHouse
Overrides the default startElement method.
startElement(String, String, String, Attributes) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw.format.FormatAwareWordInfilter
startElement(String, String, String, Attributes) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw.v62.WordInfilter62
Overrides the default startElement method.
startElement(String, String, String, Attributes) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw.WordBufferingFilter
Overrides the default startElement method.
startElement(String, String, String, Attributes) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.LexicalPreservationBase
Implementation of the SAX startElement event handler.
startElement(String, String, String, Attributes) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.NormalizeSpace
Overrides the default startElement method.
startElement(String, String, String, Attributes) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.PCDataConcatenatingInfilter
Overrides the default startElement method.
startElement(String, String, String, Attributes) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLFilterImpl3
Process the SAX startElement event.
startElement(String, String, String, Attributes) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLPushFilterAdapter
An implementation of the ContentHandler startElement method.
startElement(String, String, String, Attributes) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLPushFilterImpl
An extensible implementation of the ContentHandler startElement method.
startEntity(String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.LexicalPreservationBase
Implementation of the startEntity SAX event handler.
startEntity(String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLFilterImpl2
An extensible implementation of the SAX LexicalHandler startEntity event, which reports the start of entity instance processing by the parser.
startEntity(String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLFilterImpl3
Process the SAX startEntity event.
startEntity(String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLPushFilterAdapter
An implementation of the LexicalHandler startEntity method.
startEntity(String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLPushFilterImpl
An extensible implementation of the LexicalHandler startEntity method.
startPrefixMapping(String, String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.CleanHouse
Overrides the default startPrefixMapping method.
startPrefixMapping(String, String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw.v62.WordInfilter62
Overrides the default startPrefixMapping method.
startPrefixMapping(String, String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw.WordBufferingFilter
startPrefixMapping(String, String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.NormalizeSpace
Overrides the default startPrefixMapping method.
startPrefixMapping(String, String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.PCDataConcatenatingInfilter
Overrides the default startPrefixMapping method.
startPrefixMapping(String, String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLFilterImpl3
Process the SAX startPrefixMapping event.
startPrefixMapping(String, String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLPushFilterAdapter
An implementation of the ContentHandler startPrefixMapping method.
startPrefixMapping(String, String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLPushFilterImpl
An extensible implementation of the ContentHandler startPrefixMapping method.
StaticPDFormatException - Exception in com.deltaxml.cores9api
Indicates an error encountered when parsing the Pipeline Description format, prior to resolving any parameters.
StaticPDFormatException(String) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.cores9api.StaticPDFormatException
StaticPDFormatException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.cores9api.StaticPDFormatException
StaticPDFormatException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.cores9api.StaticPDFormatException
Subtree - Class in com.deltaxml.cores9api.config
Subtree(String, SubtreeMode) - Constructor for class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.Subtree
Initialises a subtree with both element XPath and type.
Subtree(String) - Constructor for class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.Subtree
Initialises a subtree with only an element XPath.
SubtreeMode - Enum in com.deltaxml.cores9api.config
This enumeration contains options for the type of content in the element subtree.
SubtreeProcessingFilterGenerator - Class in com.deltaxml.cores9api.config
SubtreeProcessingFilterGenerator(Processor) - Constructor for class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.SubtreeProcessingFilterGenerator
Initialise a generator using a provided Saxon Processor (for compatibility with DocumentComparator).
SubtreeProcessingMode - Class in com.deltaxml.cores9api.config
This class configures content processing based on whether file has data or text or both.
SubtreeProcessingMode() - Constructor for class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.SubtreeProcessingMode
Initialises a SubtreeProcessingMode without params.
SubtreeProcessingMode(SubtreeMode, List<Subtree>) - Constructor for class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.SubtreeProcessingMode
Initialises a SubtreeProcessingMode for given parameters.
SubtreeProcessingMode(SubtreeMode) - Constructor for class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.SubtreeProcessingMode
Initialises a SubtreeProcessingMode for given parameters.
SubtreeProcessingMode(List<Subtree>) - Constructor for class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.SubtreeProcessingMode
Initialises a SubtreeProcessingMode for given parameters.
SummarisingErrorListener - Interface in com.deltaxml.cores9api
SVGConfiguration - Class in com.deltaxml.cores9api.config
Specifies configuration options for SVG comparison.
SVGConfiguration() - Constructor for class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.SVGConfiguration
SVGGranularity - Enum in com.deltaxml.cores9api.config
Specifies the granularity at which the differences between the two SVG images will be represented from the DocumentComparator.


toPreserveItemEnumSet() - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.LexicalPreservationConfig
This method is for internal use.
toString() - Method in class com.deltaxml.api.FailureSeverity
Produces a String representation of the Severity.
toString(int, int) - Method in class com.deltaxml.core.DXPParameterDefinition.FormatInfo
Returns a formatted String representation of parameters.
toString() - Method in class com.deltaxml.core.DXPParameterDefinition.FormatInfo
Overrides the default equals method.
toString() - Method in class com.deltaxml.core.DXPParameterDefinition
Overrides the default toString method.
toString() - Method in class com.deltaxml.core.DXPParameterInstance
Overrides the default toString method.
toString() - Method in enum com.deltaxml.core.PipelineIOIdentifier
Returns a String representation of the enumeration.
toString() - Method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.AdvancedEntityRefUsage
The string representation of the enumerated type constants.
toString() - Method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.CalsColumnKeyingMode
The string form of each of the enumerated type constants.
toString() - Method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.ColumnKeyingMode
The string form of each of the enumerated type constants.
toString() - Method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.DefaultAttProcessingMode
The string representation of the enumerated type constants.
toString() - Method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.FrameMakerTrackChangesTableChangeMode
Returns a String representation of FrameMakerTrackChangesTableChangeMode.
toString() - Method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.HtmlColumnKeyingMode
The string form of each of the enumerated type constants.
toString() - Method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.InvalidTableBehaviour
The camel case string form of each of the enumerated type constants.
toString() - Method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.MathMLGranularity
The camel case string form of each of the enumerated type constants.
toString() - Method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.MixedContentDetectionScope
Returns a String representation of MixedContentDetectionScope.
toString() - Method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.ModifiedAttributeMode
Returns a String representation of ModifiedAttributeMode.
toString() - Method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.ModifiedFormatOutput
toString() - Method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.ModifiedWhitespaceBehaviour
Returns a String representation of ModifiedWhitespaceBehaviour.
toString() - Method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.OrderlessPresentationMode
Returns a String representation of OrderlessPresentationMode.
toString() - Method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.PreservationOutputType
The string representation of the enumerated type constants.
toString() - Method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.PreservationProcessingMode
The string representation of the enumerated type constants.
toString() - Method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.PresetPreservationMode
The string representation of the enumerated value.
toString() - Method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.ResultFormat
The camel case string form of each of the enumerated type constants.
toString() - Method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.SVGGranularity
The camel case string form of each of the enumerated type constants.
toString() - Method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.ValidationLevel
The string form of each of the enumerated type constants.
toString() - Method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.WarningReportMode
The camel case string form of each of the enumerated type constants.
toString() - Method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.XmetalTrackChangesTableChangeMode
Returns a String representation of XmetalTrackChangesTableChangeMode.
toString() - Method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.DocumentComparator.ExtensionPoint
A string that is used to identify the subchain associated with this extension point.
toString() - Method in interface com.deltaxml.cores9api.PipelineLocationEntry
The path of the entry.
toString() - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.Delta
Returns the String value of the Delta.
toString() - Method in enum com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.LexicalPreservationBase.PreserveItem
The label that is used to identify this preserve item.
TransformerInstantiationException - Exception in com.deltaxml.core
Thrown to indicate a problem instantiating or configuring an XSLT Transformer.
TransformerInstantiationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.core.TransformerInstantiationException
Creates a new TransformerInstantiationException.
TransformerInstantiationException(String) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.core.TransformerInstantiationException
Creates a new TransformerInstantiationException.


UnknownParameterException - Exception in com.deltaxml.core
Thrown when an attempt was made to reference an unknown or undeclared DXP parameter.
UnknownParameterException(String, String, String) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.core.UnknownParameterException
Creates a new UnknownParameterException.
UnorderedDuplicateKeysException - Exception in com.deltaxml.api
An orderless element (one with the deltaxml:ordered='false' attribute) cannot contain more than one child element with the same name/type (ie.
UnorderedDuplicateKeysException(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.api.UnorderedDuplicateKeysException
Construct a new UnorderedDuplicateKeysException appropriate for use with the XML Compare code.
unparsedEntityDecl(String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.LexicalPreservationBase
Implementation of the externalEntityDecl SAX event handler.
unparsedEntityDecl(String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLFilterImpl3
Process the SAX unparsedEntityDecl event.
unparsedEntityDecl(String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLPushFilterAdapter
An implementation of the DTDHandler unparsedEntityDecl method.
unparsedEntityDecl(String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLPushFilterImpl
An extensible implementation of the DTDHandler unparsedEntityDecl method.
UnsupportedFilterListMemberException - Exception in com.deltaxml.core
Thrown to indicate the use of an unsupported filter in a filter List.
UnsupportedFilterListMemberException(String, Class<?>) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.core.UnsupportedFilterListMemberException
Creates a new UnsupportedFilterListMemberException.
UnsupportedFilterListMemberException(String, Class<?>, int) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.core.UnsupportedFilterListMemberException
Creates a new FilterClassIncompatibilityException.
UnsupportedFilterListMemberException(String, Class<?>, int, PipelineIOIdentifier) - Constructor for exception com.deltaxml.core.UnsupportedFilterListMemberException
Creates a new FilterClassIncompatibilityException.


ValidationLevel - Enum in com.deltaxml.cores9api.config
Specifies which level of validation to use when validation processes are run.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.deltaxml.core.PipelineIOIdentifier
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.AdvancedEntityRefUsage
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.CalsColumnKeyingMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.CancellationPolicy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.ColumnKeyingMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.DefaultAttProcessingMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.FrameMakerTrackChangesTableChangeMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.HtmlColumnKeyingMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.InvalidTableBehaviour
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.MathMLGranularity
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.MixedContentDetectionScope
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.ModifiedAttributeMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.ModifiedFormatOutput
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.ModifiedWhitespaceBehaviour
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.moves.MoveDetectionType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.OrderlessPresentationMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.PreservationOutputType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.PreservationProcessingMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.PresetPreservationMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.ResultFormat
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.SubtreeMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.SVGGranularity
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.ValidationLevel
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.WarningReportMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.XmetalTrackChangesTableChangeMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.DocumentComparator.ExtensionPoint
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.LexicalPreservationBase.PreserveItem
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.LexicalPreservationBase.Region
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLFilterImpl3.SaxEventItem
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.deltaxml.core.PipelineIOIdentifier
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.AdvancedEntityRefUsage
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.CalsColumnKeyingMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.CancellationPolicy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.ColumnKeyingMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.DefaultAttProcessingMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.FrameMakerTrackChangesTableChangeMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.HtmlColumnKeyingMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.InvalidTableBehaviour
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.MathMLGranularity
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.MixedContentDetectionScope
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.ModifiedAttributeMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.ModifiedFormatOutput
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.ModifiedWhitespaceBehaviour
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.moves.MoveDetectionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.OrderlessPresentationMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.PreservationOutputType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.PreservationProcessingMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.PresetPreservationMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.ResultFormat
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.SubtreeMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.SVGGranularity
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.ValidationLevel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.WarningReportMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.config.XmetalTrackChangesTableChangeMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.deltaxml.cores9api.DocumentComparator.ExtensionPoint
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.LexicalPreservationBase.PreserveItem
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.LexicalPreservationBase.Region
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLFilterImpl3.SaxEventItem
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


WARNING - Static variable in class com.deltaxml.api.FailureSeverity
A DeltaXMLProcessingException with WARNING severity is one in which dubious input data has been detected.
warning(SAXParseException) - Method in class com.deltaxml.core.RethrowingParserErrorHandler
Receives notification of a warning and ignores it.
warning(SAXParseException) - Method in class com.deltaxml.cores9api.SchemaErrorHandler
warning(SAXParseException) - Method in class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLFilterImpl3
Process the SAX warning event.
WarningReportMode - Enum in com.deltaxml.cores9api.config
Specifies how certain warnings generated during the comparison process are reported.
WordBufferingFilter - Class in com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw
This abstract filter should be extended by outfilters that process blocks of word/space/punctuation elements.
WordBufferingFilter() - Constructor for class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw.WordBufferingFilter
Constructs a new WordBufferingFilter which will buffer all word/space/punctuation elements.
WordBufferingFilter(boolean) - Constructor for class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw.WordBufferingFilter
Constructs a new WordBufferingFilter specifying whether to construct a filter that will buffer all word/space/punctuation elements or one that filters just those that appear inside a modified paragraph-level element.
WordByWordElement - Class in com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw
A representation of an element that contains only PCDATA and a delta value used by WordBufferingFilter and its sub-types to represent and manipulate the buffer of word/space/punctuation elements.
WordByWordElement() - Constructor for class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw.WordByWordElement
Constructs an empty WordByWordElement.
WordByWordElement(Delta) - Constructor for class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw.WordByWordElement
Constructs a new new WordByWordElement with the supplied Delta value and attributes.
WordInfilter - Class in com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw
This class provides a way of breaking or segmenting large sequences of text (such as paragraphs and sentences) into smaller segments or chunks so that change can be reported at finer granularity.
WordInfilter() - Constructor for class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw.WordInfilter
Construct a new WordInfilter.
WordInfilter62 - Class in com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw.v62
This is the infilter for the Word by Word pipeline, which is discussed in the Word by Word Text Comparison guide.
WordInfilter62() - Constructor for class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw.v62.WordInfilter62
Creates a new WordInfilter.
WordOutfilter - Class in com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw
This is the outfilter for the Word by Word pipeline, which is discussed in the Word by Word Text Comparison guide.
WordOutfilter() - Constructor for class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw.WordOutfilter
Creates a WordOutfilter.
WordOutfilter62 - Class in com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw.v62
This is the outfilter for the Word by Word pipeline, which is discussed in the Word by Word Text Comparison guide.
WordOutfilter62() - Constructor for class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw.v62.WordOutfilter62
Creates a WordOutfilter.
WordRedGreenOutfilter - Class in com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw
This class is used to sort sequences of added/deleted words.
WordRedGreenOutfilter() - Constructor for class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw.WordRedGreenOutfilter
Constructs a new WordRedGreenOutfilter.
WordSpaceFixup62 - Class in com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw.v62
This is a fixup outfilter which is part of the Word by Word pipeline, which is discussed in the Word by Word Text Comparison guide.
WordSpaceFixup62() - Constructor for class com.deltaxml.pipe.filters.dx2.wbw.v62.WordSpaceFixup62
Creates a new WordSpaceFixup.


XmetalTrackChangesTableChangeMode - Enum in com.deltaxml.cores9api.config
Enumeration representing the possible values for the xmetal-tcs-table-change-mode parameter.
XMLFilterImpl2 - Class in com.deltaxml.pipe
Provides an extensible class for filtering SAX events, including lexical events such as XML comments.
XMLFilterImpl2() - Constructor for class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLFilterImpl2
Creates a new XMLFilterImpl2.
XMLFilterImpl3 - Class in com.deltaxml.pipe
Provides an extensible class for filtering SAX events, including lexical events such as XML comments.
XMLFilterImpl3() - Constructor for class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLFilterImpl3
Creates a new XMLFilterImpl3.
XMLFilterImpl3.SaxEventItem - Enum in com.deltaxml.pipe
The SAX event items for marking which SAX events to process.
XMLPushFilter - Interface in com.deltaxml.pipe
An equivalent interface to org.sax.xml.XMLFilter for use as a 'push' filter as opposed to a 'pull' filter.
XMLPushFilterAdapter - Class in com.deltaxml.pipe
Used to convert an XMLFilter object into an XMLPushFilter object.
XMLPushFilterAdapter(XMLFilterImpl) - Constructor for class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLPushFilterAdapter
Cannot support LexicalHandler events such as comments.
XMLPushFilterImpl - Class in com.deltaxml.pipe
A framework class which can be easily extended to provide custom push-mode SAX event filtering.
XMLPushFilterImpl() - Constructor for class com.deltaxml.pipe.XMLPushFilterImpl
Create a new instance of XMLPushFilterImpl.
XPathFilterParameterException - Exception in com.deltaxml.cores9api
Indicates a problem evaluating the 'xpath' XPath expression on a filter parameter in a DXP file.
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